rackspace-cookbooks / rackspacecloud

LWRPs for Rackspace Cloud APIs
Apache License 2.0
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This cookbook provides libraries, resources and providers to configure and manage Rackspace Cloud objects using the Rackspace Cloud API.

Currently supported resources:

Coming soon:

Not Included:


Requires Chef 0.7.10 or higher for Lightweight Resource and Provider support. Chef 0.8+ is recommended. While this cookbook can be used in chef-solo mode, to gain the most flexibility, we recommend using chef-client with a Chef Server.

A Rackspace Cloud account is required. The username and API key are used to authenticate with Rackspace Cloud.

Rackspace Credentials

In order to manage Rackspace Cloud components, authentication credentials need to be available to the node. There are a number of ways to handle this, such as node attributes or roles. We recommend storing these in a databag item (Chef 0.8+), and loading them in the recipe where the resources are needed. To do so, make a data bag called rackspace with an item called cloud that has at least the following:

  "rackspace_username": "<RACKSPACE_USERNAME>",
  "rackspace_api_key": "<RACKSPACE_APIKEY>"

You may choose to provide your rackspace_auth_url and rackspace_auth_region in the data bag item as well, but they can generally be safely provided as attributes.

The values can be loaded in a recipe with:

rackspace = data_bag_item("rackspace", "cloud")

And to access the values:


The data bag items can also be encrypted for extra security.



The default recipe installs the fog RubyGem, which this cookbook requires in order to work with the Rackspace API. Make sure that the default recipe is in the node or role run_list before any resources from this cookbook are used.

"run_list": [ "recipe[rackspacecloud]" ]

The gem_package is created as a Ruby Object and thus installed during the compile phase of the Chef run.


The cookbook has several library modules which can be included where necessary:


Resources and Providers

This cookbook provides several resources and corresponding providers.


Provides add, modify, remove functionality for Rackspace Cloud DNS records. Example:

Add an A record:

rackspacecloud_record "chef.rackspace.com" do
  record "n02.chef.rackspace.com"
  value ""
  type "A"
  ttl 300
  rackspace_username "foo"
  rackspace_api_key "nnnnnnnnnnn"
  action :add

Add a CNAME:

rackspacecloud_record "chef.rackspace.com" do
  record "n02.chef.rackspace.com"
  value "api.chef.rackspace.com"
  type "CNAME"
  ttl 300
  rackspace_username "foo"
  rackspace_api_key "nnnnnnnnnnn"
  action :add

Update a record:

rackspacecloud_record "chef.rackspace.com" do
  record "n02.chef.rackspace.com"
  value ""
  type "A"
  ttl 300
  rackspace_username "foo"
  rackspace_api_key "nnnnnnnnnnn"
  action :update



Retrieves/Stores files from/to Rackspace Cloud Files. Example:

rackspacecloud_file "/usr/share/tomcat5/webapps/demo.war" do
  directory "wars"
  rackspace_username "foo"
  rackspace_api_key "nnnnnnnnnnn"
  rackspace_region "ORD"
  binmode true
  action :create
rackspacecloud_file "/usr/share/tomcat5/webapps/demo.war" do
  directory "wars"
  cloudfile_uri "my_subdirectory/demo.war"
  rackspace_username "foo"
  rackspace_api_key "nnnnnnnnnnn"
  rackspace_region "ORD"
  binmode true
  action :create
rackspacecloud_file "/usr/share/tomcat5/webapps/demo.war" do
  directory "wars"
  rackspace_username "foo"
  rackspace_api_key "nnnnnnnnnnn"
  rackspace_region "ORD"
  binmode true
  action :upload



Adds and removes nodes from specified load balancer. Example:

rackspacecloud_lbaas "loadBalancerIdGoesHere" do
  action :add_node
  rackspace_username "userName"
  rackspace_api_key "apiKey"
  rackspace_region "ORD"
  node_address node[:rackspace][:local_ipv4]



Create/delete a database from an instance. Example:

rackspacecloud_dbaas_db "MyDatabase" do
  instance "0a000b0f-00b0-000d-b00-0b0d0000c00a"
  rackspace_username "userName"
  rackspace_api_key "apiKey"
  rackspace_region "ORD"
  action :create

It will create the database MyDatabase on the database instance 0a000b0f-00b0-000d-b00-0b0d0000c00a. If you need to give access to a user for this database, you should use rackspacecloud_dbaas_user

rackspacecloud_dbaas_db "MyDatabase" do
  instance "0a000b0f-00b0-000d-b00-0b0d0000c00a"
  rackspace_username "userName"
  rackspace_api_key "apiKey"
  rackspace_region "ORD"
  action :delete

It will delete the database MyDatabase from the database instance 0a000b0f-00b0-000d-b00-0b0d0000c00a



Create/delete a user on/from a Database instance. Example:

rackspacecloud_dbaas_user "MyUserName" do
  instance "0a000b0f-00b0-000d-b00-0b0d0000c00a"
  databases ["database1", "database2"]
  password "thisissecret"
  host "%"
  rackspace_username "userName"
  rackspace_api_key "apiKey"
  rackspace_region "ORD"
  action :create

It will create the user MyUserName on the database instance 0a000b0f-00b0-000d-b00-0b0d0000c00a. In addition it will grant access to this user on the database database1 and database2 from the host %.

rackspacecloud_dbaas_user "MyUserName" do
  instance "0a000b0f-00b0-000d-b00-0b0d0000c00a"
  rackspace_username "userName"
  rackspace_api_key "apiKey"
  rackspace_region "ORD"
  action :delete

It will delete the user MyUserName from the database instance 0a000b0f-00b0-000d-b00-0b0d0000c00a

Grant or revoke access to a user to a Database.

rackspacecloud_dbaas_user "MyUserName" do
  instance "0a000b0f-00b0-000d-b00-0b0d0000c00a"
  databases ["database1", "database2"]
  host "%"
  rackspace_username "userName"
  rackspace_api_key "apiKey"
  rackspace_region "ORD"
  action :grant

It will grant access to MyUserName on the database database1 and database2 from the host %. If the user doesn't exist, it will be created

rackspacecloud_dbaas_user "MyUserName" do
  instance "0a000b0f-00b0-000d-b00-0b0d0000c00a"
  databases ["database1", "database2"]
  host "%"
  rackspace_username "userName"
  rackspace_api_key "apiKey"
  rackspace_region "ORD"
  action :revoke

It will revoke access to MyUserName from the database database1 and database2



Provides functionality to manage storage volumes and server attachments for Rackspace Cloud Block Storage including creating, attaching, detaching and deleting volumes. All actions performed are idempotent.


:create_volume - Creates a new storage volume with the given name. If a volume with the given name exists no action will be taken. This action does not accept volume_id as a parameter.

:attach_volume - Attaches an existing storage volume to the current node. If the volume is already attached no action will be taken. If the volme is attached to another server, an exception will be raised. The volumes may be attached by name or by volume_id.

:create_and_attach - The default action. Combines create_volume and attach_volume into one action. This action does not accept volume_id as a parameter.

:detach_volume - Detaches a volume from an existing server. If the given volume is not attached no action is performed. If the volume is attached to another server, an exception will be raised. The volume may be detached by name or volume_id.

:delete_volume - Deletes an existing storage volume. A volume must be detached in order to be deleted. If the given volume does not exist no action will be taken. The volume may be identified by name or volume_id.

:detach_and_delete - Combines detach_volume and delete_volume into a single action. Volume may be identified by name or volume_id.


Create and attach a 100GB SSD storage volume:

rackspacecloud_cbs "myvolume-01" do
  type "SSD"
  size 100
  rackspace_username "userName"
  rackspace_api_key "apiKey"
  rackspace_region "ord"
  action :create_and_attach

Create a 200GB SATA volume:

rackspacecloud_cbs "myvolume-02" do
  type "SATA"
  size 200
  rackspace_username "userName"
  rackspace_api_key "apiKey"
  rackspace_region "ord"
  action :create_volume

Attach a volume by volume_id:

rackspacecloud_cbs "myvolume-02" do
  volume_id "74fe8714-fd92-4d07-a6a2-ddd15ed09f79"
  rackspace_username "userName"
  rackspace_api_key "apiKey"
  rackspace_region "ord"
  action :attach_volume

Detach a volume by name:

rackspacecloud_cbs "myvolume-02" do  
  rackspace_username "userName"
  rackspace_api_key "apiKey"
  rackspace_region "ord"
  action :detach_volume

Detach and delete volume by id:

rackspacecloud_cbs "myvolume-01" do
  volume_id "74fe8714-fd92-4d07-a6a2-ddd15ed09f79"
  rackspace_username "userName"
  rackspace_api_key "apiKey"
  rackspace_region "ord"
  action :detach_and_delete

Node Attributes:

During the provider run, a node attribute is updated with a list of hashes describing the attached volumes. The list of attached volumes is pulled from the compute and storage api so it will include all attached volumes whether created with this recipe or not. The data is in the following format:

node[:rackspacecloud][:cbs][:attached_volumes] = [
    :device => '/dev/xvde',
    :size => 100,
    :volume_id => "4300a4b7-1b66-4d44-b18d-de1b3236b001",
    :display_name => "myvolume-01",
    :volume_type => "SSD"
    :device => "/dev/xvdb",
    :size => 200,
    :volume_id => "642a8a7b-cb31-479b-8e4c-0158a2be3519",
    :display_name => "myvolume-02",
    :volume_type => "SATA"

Example Recipe with LVM:

Below is an example of a simple recipe that creates 2 100GB cloud block storage volumes and uses LVM to create a logical volume group, format the filesystem, and mount at /var/log. This example uses the Opscode LVM recipe.

include_recipe 'rackspacecloud'
include_recipe 'lvm'

rackspace = data_bag_item("rackspace", "cloud")
rackspace_username = rackspace["rackspace_username"]
rackspace_api_key = rackspace["rackspace_api_key"]

(1..2).each do |vol_number|
  rackspacecloud_cbs "#{node[:hostname]}-#{vol_number}" do
    type "SATA"
    size 100
    rackspace_username rackspace_username
    rackspace_api_key rackspace_api_key
    rackspace_region "#{node[:rackspace][:cloud][:region]}"
    action :create_and_attach

#use lazy attribute evaluation to get attachment data at execution time
lvm_volume_group 'vg00' do
  not_if {node[:rackspacecloud][:cbs][:attached_volumes].empty? }
  physical_volumes lazy {node[:rackspacecloud][:cbs][:attached_volumes].collect{|attachment| attachment["device"]}}
  logical_volume 'blockstorage' do
    size        '100%VG'
    filesystem  'ext4'
    mount_point '/var/log'


License and Author

Author:: Ryan Walker (ryan.walker@rackspace.com) Author:: Julian Dunn (jdunn@opscode.com) Author:: Michael Goetz (mpgoetz@opscode.com) Author:: Zack Feldstein (zack.feldstein@rackspace.com) Author:: Steven Gonzales (steven.gonzales@rackspace.com)

Copyright 2013, Rackspace Hosting Copyright 2013, Opscode, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.