ractivejs / rcu

Ractive.js component utilities - tools for component loader implementers
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rcu - Ractive.js component utils

These utilities are designed to make it easy to implement Ractive.js component loaders in different environments. If you're not building a component loader, you probably don't need to read this page - you're probably looking for the page on components for authors instead.

For more information about the component specification, visit the page on components for component loader implementers, or see here for a list of existing implementations.


npm install rcu

...or grab the UMD build or ES2015 build from jsDelivr.


rcu.init( Ractive )

Before you can use rcu.parse() or rcu.make(), which use Ractive.parse() and Ractive.extend() respectively, you need to 'initialise' rcu by giving it a reference to Ractive.

rcu.parse( source, parseOptions = {} )

This function converts the source - the contents of an HTML component file - into an intermediate representation. Taking the example component, rcu.parse() would return something like this:

  imports: [{ href: 'foo.html', name: 'foo' }],
  template: {v:1,t:[ /* template goes here... */] },
  css: 'p { color: red; }',
  script: /* contents of the script tag go here */,
  modules: [ 'myLibrary' ]

rcu.make( source, config, callback[, errback ] )

This function converts an HTML file into a constructor that inherits from Ractive. It uses rcu.parse() internally.

rcu.getName( path )

Returns a name from a path, e.g. path/to/foo.html becomes foo.

rcu.resolve( relativePath, baseUrl )

Resolves relativePath against baseUrl, e.g.

rcu.resolve( '../bar.html', 'path/to/foo.html' ) === 'path/bar.html'; // true

rcu.generateSourceMap( definition, options )

Generate a v3 sourcemap, with one major assumption: the contents of the component's <script> block are copied directly into the generated code, and we only need to worry about the offset (i.e. the number of non-<script> lines of code, representing the template etc, that exist in the generated code before the <script> tag's contents).
