radare / spp

simple preprocessor
MIT License
60 stars 11 forks source link



SPP stands for Simple Pre-Processor.

The primary use of spp is as a templating language, with similarities to PHP and CPP. Allowing to embed scripts in any language in some specific places of the document.


You can tweak some options with ./configure (or copying your favourite config.mk)

Optional Features:
  --without-fork         build without depending on fork syscall
  --enable-r2            compile against r2 r_util

The way to build is as easy as in any GNU program:

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr
$ make
$ make install


The spp program can be used like cat, but it will evaluate the tokenized expressions specified by the preprocessors.

Input can be stdin or all the files passed as argument.

$ echo 'Hello <{system uname}>' | spp
Hello Darwin


There are no embedding issues with the MIT license and the amount if code is pretty low (~400 LOC), and use the apis:

$ cat test.c
#include "spp.c"

int main() {
    char *p = spp_eval_str (&spp_proc, "Hello <{system uname}>");
    printf ("%s\n", p);
    free (p);

$ gcc test.c
$ ./a.out
Hello Darwin


SPP is also a commandline tool that takes N files as arguments and evaluates them using the selected preprocessor:

$ ./spp -h
Usage: ./spp [-othesv] [file] [...]
  -o [file]     set output file (stdout)
  -t [type]     define processor type (spp,cpp,pod,acr,sh)
  -e [str]      evaluate this string with the selected proc
  -s [str]      show this string before anything
  -l            list all built-in preprocessors
  -L            list keywords registered by the processor
  -n            do not read from stdin
  -v            show version information
spp specific flags:
 -I   add include directory
 -D   define value of variable


There are 5 preprocessors that are available in spp by default. You can write your own and just pass the struct reference as argument.


<{ set arch x86-32 }>

hello <{echo world}>
path=<{system echo $PATH}>
arch = <{ get arch }>

<{ ifeq arch x86-32 }>
<{ endif }>


#define FOO 1
#define MAX(x,y) (x>y)?x:y

main() {
    printf ("%d\n", MAX (3,10));


.include t/syscalls.asm
