radarku / docker-mavros

Docker Container for MAVROS
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Docker Container for MAVROS


The purpose of this is to run MAVROS from within Docker


A pre-built Docker image is available on DockerHub at:


To download it, simply:

docker pull radarku/mavros

and to run it:

docker run -it --rm --env FCUURL="tcp://" radarku/mavros

...where the MAVLink stream is at the FCUURL (see Options section below).

Quick Start

To build

If you'd rather build the docker image yourself, checkout the source:

git clone https://github.com/radarku/docker-mavros.git

then go into the directory

cd docker-mavros

and build the docker image

docker build --rm --tag mavros .

To run

Start a SITL using:

docker run -it --rm -p 5760:5760 radarku/ardupilot-sitl

Find the IP address of the machine, then run the MAVROS container:

docker run -it --rm --env FCUURL="tcp://" mavros

where is the IP of the machine running the ardupilot SITL


The MAVROS page specifies the various forms for the FCUURL as:

There is a STARTDELAY environment variable built into the entry point of the container. This will cause the container to sleep before starting. This is useful for waiting for other microservices to start (gazebo, sitl) in docker-compose or kubernetes when health checks are not an option. By default this is 5 seconds. You can modify it as follows:

No delay:

docker run -it --rm --env FCUURL="tcp://"  --env STARTDELAY=0 mavros

60 seconds delay:

docker run -it --rm --env FCUURL="tcp://"  --env STARTDELAY=60 mavros