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amonks [5:53 PM] 
we ​_could_​ probably start a “boutique” ad network

not do data stuff

vet advertisers for “goodness"


maybe target a particular indie community

and give a cut to users

but that sounds hard and long-term

we can’t just like

put it out there and walk away

maybe we could

taylor [5:55 PM] 
What if it was like an saic thing

amonks [5:55 PM] 
i’m not tryna run that

i’m graduating

taylor [5:55 PM] 
Would there be a way to just set it up to run itself? Prolly not?

amonks [5:56 PM] 


accept anything from an saic email address?

taylor [5:56 PM] 
Cause everything changes all the times there would need to be some upkeep


amonks [5:56 PM] 

any week, anyone with @saic can pay 20$ and submit a gif

and then those ads are shown for that week

that wouldn’t necessarily be too hard actually

taylor [5:59 PM] 
Yeah, could be succesful

amonks [5:59 PM] 
let’s see

the server needs to:

- keep track of who paid 20$

- keep track of the gifs

- keep a database of users

- keep payment information for all of the users

- keep a bank account or something to hold the 20$ses until payment

- handle bank transfers to users every week/month/whatever

- ^ which means it’d need to figure out how to divvy the money between users

- proportional by pageview? (one person could just automate hitting refresh all day and get the whole $20)

- evenly to each bank account? (we’d have to make sure ppl didn’t just turn off the plugin and keep getting $$ ; or maybe we wouldn't)

this is starting to sound hard too

taylor [6:04 PM] 
haha yeah. And we would need to continue it as a business, and that's a lot of commitment, and im sure administration wouldnt like students makingk money off other students

amonks [6:05 PM] 
i’m not so sure about administration

but i feel you re commitment

i wonder if we could find ways around any of those things

maybe we just call it an art thing and users don’t get paid

we make it 5$

​*we*​ take the 5$

and the gifs are art rather than ads

I’m down to make sure a gif isn’t spam if I’m getting 5$

and also I’d def consider getting saic arts up in my browser for free just for fun

taylor [6:07 PM] 
So people submit gifs and they are curated through a plugin?

amonks [6:07 PM] 

there’s a website where you can pay 5$ and submit a gif

we look at the gifs and make sure they aren’t spam (or whatever)

taylor [6:07 PM] 
Yeah, that sounds cool. Would they link to a webpage?

Like artist page

Or nah

amonks [6:08 PM] 
and then once approved, gifs show up in the browser of whomever downloads the plugin

yeah sure

link makes sense

or maybe that’s spammy

taylor [6:08 PM] 
Yeah I can't decide if that's spammy or not?

Maybe its not, we are basically a gallery

Website with an upload form (gif , link)

amonks [6:09 PM] 
[[laptop died]]

maybe it links to some plain text

hosted on our website

that can include or not include links

to other things

and we have clear criteria for what counts as spam

i like that ppl could have links to art stuff

but a “any link is spam” policy is easier to enforce

taylor [6:12 PM] 
Maybe it can just be a like a hover to reveal artist name? But you can't click it?

amonks [6:12 PM] 
i’m not into hover

if that was the goal I’d say click for a page on our website with artist name, a permanent archive of the image, and whatever else

taylor [6:13 PM] 
Ohhh I see


amonks [6:13 PM] 
but that’s the same basic idea

of not allowing links

taylor [6:13 PM] 

amonks [6:13 PM] 
but maybe ppl would do cool stuff with links


trust vs freedom

it’s more “art” to say anything goes

taylor [6:14 PM] 
I feel like if people are gonna pay, they want to promote

amonks [6:14 PM] 

taylor [6:15 PM] 
Maybe we don't facilitate anything?

amonks [6:15 PM] 
but I think I’d rather have it be ads ​*as*​ art than ads ​*for*​ art

taylor [6:15 PM] 

amonks [6:15 PM] 
and if a dollar gets you a week of ppls eyeballs

or whatever

there’s a price point at which it’s p reasonable

to not expect to get reward in clicks back

taylor [6:18 PM] 
Would we have an idea on how many people are using the plugin?

amonks [6:18 PM] 

at minimum we’d know how many times he had to serve each gif

and the ip addresses we served them to

bundling those logs into something meaningful/readable is effort-but-possible

we could also have the plugin report back in types of ways

but I’d be less into that tbh

we’re granting ourselves a lot of power with replacing stuff on every website

I feel like the plugin should do that in as plain and transparent a way possible


taylor [6:21 PM] 
Yeah, maybe that's not important. Just providing the platform for more eyes

amonks [6:21 PM] 

non-saic ppl can download the plugin

and eventually non-saic ppl could be allowed to submit gifs

but it’d make it harder to moderate maybe

but anyway we’d be pretty empowered to make growth-or-not decisions and have it be cool either way

taylor [6:23 PM] 
Yeah. we just start with saic

Or maybe we start with no restrictions

No no nvm

Upload with saic email

amonks [6:29 PM] 

so now mechanics

re charging

i see a couple options:

- n$ gets you in the pool for a week, each ad is randomly chosen from the pool (edited)

- n$ gets you in the pool, which contains the most recent x submissions (edited)

- pay what you will: if in the last week, ppl have paid 100$ and you paid 5 of them, your ad will show up 1 in 20 times

- n$ gets you x pageviews. if there are no bought pageviews left, everyone just goes ad-free

i kinda like the pay what you will one

but I also like the idea of making the system favor the ppl with most money less

or like not give them a disproportionate advantage

taylor [6:34 PM] 
Ha yeah but also more money.. Lol
I like option 2 the most

amonks [6:34 PM] 

can you submit the same gif twice to get two slots in the pool?

can you submit multiple gifs into the pool at the same time, or is it one-per-week-per-email?

i like limiting by email

(/credit card at scale)

taylor [6:35 PM] 
Yeah I think that's a good idea

It would be super easy to spam if not

amonks [6:36 PM] 

but expensive

anyway yeah, limit by email


I think email is harder than credit card

taylor [6:37 PM] 
Oh yeah, forgot about Payment. In which case I don't think it matters

We would still be facilitating more money more views

amonks [6:37 PM] 

taylor [6:37 PM] 
But, idk. I feel at the scale we are at it won't matter much

amonks [6:37 PM] 
let’s say the pool contains the last 20 submissions

if someone pays 100$, they can submit 20 gifs and buy the whole pool

is that good or bad?


i think bad tho

for plugin-users

taylor [6:38 PM] 
I think bad, but not necessarily at first

amonks [6:39 PM] 
yeah true

a few ppl doing it a lot

taylor [6:39 PM] 
I don't see somebody doing that right off the batt

amonks [6:39 PM] 
is probably good for growth

still i think it’s better to think this stuff through and be clear than to change policy mid course

for community stuff like this where ppl get attached

taylor [6:40 PM] 
Mm yeah true

amonks [6:40 PM] 
being liked is pretty key


I think I’m leaning towards

the pool contains the last week’s worth of submissions (however many that is)

but each person can only submit once per week



5 times per week

taylor [6:42 PM] 
Yeah I would say 5 times a week.

amonks [6:42 PM] 
once per day?

that’s easy

taylor [6:42 PM] 

amonks [6:42 PM] 

so what do we need

taylor [6:43 PM] 
Do the gifs change on page loads?

amonks [6:43 PM] 

i figure we have a url like artads.com/gimme-an-ad

that goes to a random one from the pool

and then the plugin can just keep hitting that url

- a thing that takes 5$ and a gif, and adds that gif to the moderation queue

- a thing that shows a moderator a gif from the moderation queue, lets them click yes or no, and adds it to the pool or not

- a thing that takes gifs out of the pool after a week

taylor [6:45 PM] 
[I'm on my phone and its not loading the site] but im following

amonks [6:45 PM] 
- a thing that picks a random gif from the pool (the url)

oh that wasn’t a real link

i just made it up

taylor [6:46 PM] 
Oh haha

amonks [6:46 PM] 
- a browser plugin

I think minimally

we can skip the moderation

skip the time-to-live

and skip the plugin

so yeah


my goal is to make a page you can upload a gif to

and a url that points to a random uploaded gif

and we can go from there