radekstepan / pomme.js

JS comms between frames using postMessage
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iframe postmessage


JavaScript component for communication between parent and child browser frames using postMessage.


$ npm install
$ make [build|install|watch|serve]

Use it

Grab one of the /build files:

  1. app.js: contains just the app
  2. app.bundle.js: contains the app and its dependency, Underscore. In addition, JSON is used to un-/pickle objects. Make sure it is present.

If you would like to see how are these files being built check out Gruntfile.coffee.

The app works only in the browser. There, depending on the environment, it will be available as a:

RequireJS/AMD module

Please note that you need to make sure the dependencies are loaded first.

requirejs([ 'pomme.js' ], function(Pomme) {
  // ...

CommonJS module

The internal loader will be made available globally as well if window.require is free.

var Pomme = require('pomme.js');

Property of window object

var Pomme = window['pomme.js'];

Do not forget the . in the name...

You can see examples of usage in /test/tests.coffee.


scope (parent & child)
Scope is an identifier used by a router to work out how to route messages. It is not strictly required as when you only have 1 parent-child pair, there isn't much guesswork involved...
target (parent)
This will be the place where your iframe will be rendered. Pass a string selector that works with document.querySelector or an instance of window.
template (parent)
The value here is a function being passed abovementioned scope. This function should return an html string that will be injected into the child iframe. It needs to setup the comms from the other end.
// wherever this is served from
var Pomme = require('pomme.js');
// Probably needs some params, see above.
var channel = new Pomme();
// ...


As a parent, you invoke functions on the child like so:

// Assuming this channel is scoped with the parent.
channel.trigger('glitchy', 'ABC', function(err, result) {
    if (err) throw err;

As a child you listen on a channel for invokations:

channel.on('glitchy', function(text, cb) {
    if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) == 1) {
        cb(null, text.split('').reverse().join(''));
    } else {

By default, an eval listener is provided in the child, so you can execute code in the context of the child. Remember that the context of the execution will be the window. A better solution is to write a template though. In either case, we inject a string of code to the iframe to be executed.


On top of that, you can be listening for error that happen on the parent and/or child. So in your parent you would do:

// Listen for errors.
channel.on('error', function(err) {
    throw err;

// Trigger on child.

And your child could do this:

channel.on('die', function() {
    throw 'I am dead';

If you do not specify your own error handler, nothing is thrown/logged.

Test it

You can see Mocha tests by serving the /test directory and opening it in the browser. If you have Python installed then run the following:

$ make serve
# visit

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