radical-group / radical-group.github.io

This repo has the RADICAL group webpage
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Create a RADICAL Lab twitter account #54

Closed mturilli closed 5 years ago

mturilli commented 5 years ago

How do we call it?

shantenujha commented 5 years ago

radical-lab? if that is taken, then radical-research? if that is also taken, then radical-team ?

mturilli commented 5 years ago

Dash is not allowed but we can use underscore.

The following are taken:

This is too long:

We could have:


shantenujha commented 5 years ago

LabRadical is fine (as long as it isn't: Le laboratoire RADICAL :) )

mturilli commented 5 years ago

Done: https://twitter.com/LabRadical

shantenujha commented 5 years ago

And don't forget to link it to the "News" which currently still points to https://twitter.com/RCT_Rutgers

iparask commented 5 years ago

Pull Request #91 takes care of all these issues.