radical-group / radical-group.github.io

This repo has the RADICAL group webpage
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This is the repository for our RADICAL website. We use Jekyll to run our Github page. We welcome other people to contribute to our site not just lab members. Feel free to fork and create pull-requests!

This site is based on a clone of KordingLab.github.io

Run the website locally

To run locally, follow Jekyll's installation instructions, clone this repository and cd in its root directory.


sudo gem install jekyll
sudo gem install rouge
sudo gem install jekyll-redirect-from
sudo gem install bundler
sudo gem install html-proofer
jekyll serve


First, install homebrew if not already installed, then do the following:

xcode-select --install
brew install ruby
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
. ~/.bash_profile
gem install --user-install bundler jekyll rouge jekyll-redirect-from html-proofer jekyll-sitemap
echo 'export PATH="/Users/$USER/.local/share/gem/ruby/3.2.0/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
. ~/.bash_profile

Note: this assumes that ruby 3.2.0 was installed. Change the last echo command if you have a different version.

Check that the installation was successful:


jekyll serve

You should be able to see the website in your browser at Any local change made to the website should be immediately reflected reloading the page.

Add a publication

All publications are located in the _publications folder. Each file contains a single publication and has a front matter and no body. The front matter contains both mandatory and optional variables:

Variable Value Category Description
title string mandatory Title of the publication
collection publications mandatory Jekyll-related, has always the same value
permalink publications/file_name mandatory Jekyll-related. file_name must be the same given to the file with this front matter
type pub; standard mandatory pub, for a published paper, and standard, for standards, white papers and technical reports
date year-month-day mandatory Date of publication
author firt last, mandatory Comma-separated list of authors
venue string mandatory Proceedings, journal or archive of the publication
paperurl URL mandatory Official URL of the publication
arxiv URL mandatory Arxiv URL of the publication
abstract string optional Abstract of the publication. When added, a landing page for the publication is created with title, authors, abstract and links to the full paper

The name of the file in _publications must follow the format: Last name of the first author, year of the publication, and first word of the title. An example of a valid file name for a publication is: paraskevakos2018task.md.

Papers that have been uploaded to Arxiv are considered publications. It is the first author responsibility to update her/his paper with the most current information.

For reference, see the following paper front matter:

title: "Task-parallel Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Trajectories"
collection: publications
permalink: /publications/paraskevakos2018task
date: 2018-08-15
type: pub
author: "Ioannis Paraskevakos, Andre Luckow, Mahzad Khoshlessan, George Chantzialexiou, Thomas E. Cheatham, Oliver Beckstein, Geoffrey C. Fox and Shantenu Jha"
venue: "47th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2018)"
paperurl: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3225128
arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.07630
abstract: "Abstract."

This paper's filename is: paraskevakos2018task.md

When adding a publication to the webpage, create a branch named publication/<pub-filename> and create a pull request towards master of this repo. As soon as the request is merged, GitHub will render the page on the official website.

Add a project

All project pages are located in the _projects folder. Each file contains a single project and has a front matter and a body in the markdown and HTML format. The front matter contains both mandatory and optional variables:

Variable Value Category Description
title string mandatory Title of the project
collection projects mandatory Jekyll-related, has always the same value
permalink projects/file_name mandatory Jekyll-related. file_name must be the same given to the file with this front matter
abstract. string mandatory A single sentence that describes the project. See current website for examples
status active; inactive mandatory Ongoing projects are active, terminated projects are inactive
grant {funder: string, number: string, url: URL} optional A collection with three keys. The whole collection and each of its keys are optional
repository URL. optional URL of the code repository of the project (e.g., github, bitbucket)
logo file_name optional Optional but almost mandatory :) 150x150px, possibly 144dpi
figure {name: file_name, width: int} optional Optional but almost mandatory :) max 1000x1000px, possibly 144dpi in compressed jpg. width is used in the project landing page. Try to select a number that makes the image to take up to 1/3 of the width of the landing page.
website URL optional The official website of the project

The body of the file contains a one-paragraph description of the project.

The name of the file in _projects has no mandatory formatting; just keep it short and descriptive of the project. An example of a descriptive and short project name is: power-of-many.md.

For reference, see the following project front matter:

title: "Extensible Tools for Advanced Sampling and analYsis (ExTASY)"
collection: projects
permalink: /projects/extasy
abstract: "Executing iterative, coupled molecular simulation and analysis kernels on high performance computing systems." 
logo: extasy_logo.jpg
status: active
  name: extasy.jpg
  width: 300
repository: https://bitbucket.org/extasy-project/extasy-workflows
  funder: NSF
  number: 1265929
  url: https://nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1265929

The Extensible Toolkit for Advanced Sampling and AnalYsis (ExTASY) is a lightweight software...

When adding a project to the website, create a branch named publication/<proj-filename> and add the logo and page images in images/projects. You must upload three images with the following naming convention: proj_name_original.jpg; proj_name_logo.jpg; proj_name.jpg. Create a pull request towards master of this repo. As soon as the request is merged, GitHub will render the page on the official website.

Add yourself

All RADICAL member pages are located in the _people folder. Each file contains a single personal page and has a front matter and a body in the markdown and HTML format. The front matter contains both mandatory and optional variables:

Variable Value Category Description
name string mandatory Title of the project
collection projects mandatory Jekyll-related, has always the same value
permalink projects/file_name mandatory Jekyll-related. file_name must be the same given to the file with this front matter
position undergrad; ms; phd; researcher; pi mandatory Your position in the lab
title string mandatory Your title in the lab
joined year mandatory The year you joined the lab
avatar file_name.jpg optional Optional but almost mandatory :) square, possibly 144dpi, <1MB
contacts {email: string, office: string, scholar: URL, github: URL, linkedin: URL} optional A collection of contact-related information. The whole collection and each of its keys are optional
publications {id: string, cofirst: true} optional The collection of your RADICAL publications. id must be the same as the name of the corresponding publication file in _publications; cofirst used only when you are a co-first author of the paper
projects {id: string, role: string} optional The collection of RADICAL projects in which your are involved. id must be the same as the name of the corresponding project file in _projects; role indicates your official role in the project
students [string] optional List of students name. Available if you are member of the Graduate School and advisor of one or more RADICAL students.

The body of the page can contain your brief bio or whatever else relates to your research and activity in the lab.

The name of the file in _people must follow the format: firstname_lastname. An example of a valid file name is: ioannis_paraskevakos.md.

For reference, see the following project front matter:

name: "Ioannis Paraskevakos"
collection: people
permalink: /people/iparask
position: phd
title: "PhD Candidate"
joined: 2014
avatar: ioannis_par.jpg
  office: "CoRE 707"
  - id: paraskevakos2018task
  - id: iceberg
    role: Research Assistant

I am a fifth year PhD student at ...

When adding yourself to the website, create a branch named people/<first-lastname> and add your photo to images/people. Create a pull request towards master of this repo. As soon as the request is merged, GitHub will render the page on the official website.