radical-group / radical-group.github.io

This repo has the RADICAL group webpage
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Link does not exist any more #99

Closed iparask closed 5 years ago

iparask commented 5 years ago


a link from eScience2009 point to Microsoft Research is not working any more. It is: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/UM/redmond/events/eScience2009/17863/lecture.htm

I will try and find from it comes from (most probably a publication), but if you have an idea, fell free to fix it.

mturilli commented 5 years ago

At he moment, I see 8 failing links but all related to OGF:


The OGF site seems down. I would wait a bit and see whether the website comes back up.

andre-merzky commented 5 years ago

OGF's server has a disk error. Backup is being played back, but it might take a while (IU support is not the quickest).

iparask commented 5 years ago

That is correct. The MS link does not fail, because MS redirects it. But if you follow it, you will see that it does not go to the intended content.

I do not mind, but it is outdated.

mturilli commented 5 years ago

@iparask can you post here the link(s) of the page of our website that contain that MS link?