radio24 / TorBox

TorBox is an easy to use, anonymizing router based on Raspberry Pi, which also runs on Debian and Ubuntu based systems.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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ping over plainnet? #67

Closed nyxnor closed 2 years ago

nyxnor commented 3 years ago

can't acquire new bridges or list their status just because the domain is blocked. Why not make the request over Tor? Possible responses for that:

questions to think of possible outcomes

1 - domain blocked

2 - tor connection blocked


domain blocked

tor connection blocked

also, there is already preset bridges in the torrc, so shouldn't have to worry about using the defaults if needed at first

can't connect for whatever reason

nyxnor commented 3 years ago

Why set config at the begginning?

Tails changelog Over the years, we have identified many issues in how to connect to the Tor network from Tails, thanks to your feedback. With this release candidate, we are trying to solve the most important and pressing of these issues:

My comment

So, before Tor even starts, mask the service, ask to configure bridges or change other configs, but bridges is what matters

radio24 commented 3 years ago

Thank you, nyxnor. You raise good points, but I have to look into it more in detail. The ping, for example, has not only the function to see if the domain is blocked - but the service could also be offline. Actually, that was the initial reason for this kind of check.

A very good suggestion is to use session.proxies['http']='socks5h://localhost:9050'. However, that has to be checked in detail on side effects. We have to avoid a situation in which someone needs tor to fix the tor installation. Also, we have to keep in mind that TorBox also has to work with Captive Portals. This is why the local DNS resolution (not the ones from the clients) cannot be routed through Tor (see more details here).

In other words: very good suggestions, which we should look into, but this will not be done in a few weeks.

For whom it concerns Currently, I'm on travel, and for that reason, I don't have time to make basic changes. My focus is on a check & fix system, which detects a connection loss with the Tor network and which automatically initiates countermeasures (for example, the change of an entry guard or the restart of tor). If you are interested in the development, check out the "automatisation-test" branch.

nyxnor commented 3 years ago

Tor Browser starts with DisableNetwork 1, so the first prompt is to configure bridges if needed or set other parameters such as proxy, security settings.

DisableNetwork 0|1
When this option is set, we don’t listen for or accept any connections other than controller connections, and we close (and don’t reattempt) any outbound connections. Controllers sometimes use this option to avoid using the network until Tor is fully configured. Tor will make still certain network-related calls (like DNS lookups) as a part of its configuration process, even if DisableNetwork is set. (Default: 0)

But tor (daemon, service) does not come with this by default, so it automatically connects to the network. Either place torrc in /etc/tor/torrc with DisableNetwork 1 before instaling the package (could already be done and I haven't noticed, as it is already in the path), or mask before installing with sudo systemctl mask tor@default.service.

radio24 commented 3 years ago

I guess the DisableNetwork 0|1 is a different topic, and I don't see the benefit it would have for TorBox.

Either place torrc in /etc/tor/torrc with DisableNetwork 1 before instaling the package (could already be done and I haven't noticed, as it is already in the path), or mask before installing with sudo systemctl mask tor@default.service.

What do you mean with "before installing the package"?

nyxnor commented 3 years ago

Just start tor service after configuring bridges, making it similar to Tails or Tor Browser way By disabling network, could achieve this, considering the topics expressed above.

nyxnor commented 2 years ago

Another good thing is to acquire bridges with moat Well, if this could be translated to python would be good.

radio24 commented 2 years ago

Another good thing is to acquire bridges with moat Well, if this could be translated to python would be good.

This is already integrated. Entry 3 in the Countermeasure sub-menu gives the possibility to automatically add a OBFS4 bridge every 24h.

nyxnor commented 2 years ago

With moat? It is with HTTPS no? If domain is blocked, this won't work.

I don't know at the current time how to implement moat .jsm to python to be called via command line.

radio24 commented 2 years ago

With moat? It is with HTTPS no?

If domain is blocked, this won't work. I don't know at the current time how to implement moat .jsm to python to be called via command line.

You are absolutely right... it is https. I will ask my Python guru, if he has any idea how to integrate that.

radio24 commented 2 years ago

Smart torification

Old code: use clearnet OCHECK=$(curl -m 6 -s $BRIDGE_DB_URL)

New code: first try to use tor, and if this is not working, use clearnet

#-m 6 must not be lower, otherwise it looks like there is no connection!
OCHECK=$(curl --socks5 --socks5-hostname -m 6 -s $BRIDGE_DB_URL)
if [ $? == 0 ]; then OCHECK="0"; else OCHECK="1"; fi
if [ $OCHECK == 1 ]; then OCHECK=$(curl -m 6 -s $BRIDGE_DB_URL); fi
if [ $? == 0 ]; then OCHECK="0"; else OCHECK="1"; fi
if [ $OCHECK == 0 ]; then
nyxnor commented 2 years ago

Thank you for this: get bridges through tor in case of dns attack and Try to fetch bridges over tor

radio24 commented 2 years ago

With the latest commit from Carlos Martinez, we turned it around: first, we try to fetch the bridge over tor and only if that fails then we use clearnet. In the script executing, the nameservers were switched to public ones before. This means that if the script is using clearnet, the public nameservers will not be affected by cheap DNS related censorship.

We will implement the same for

nyxnor commented 2 years ago

In the build script, you first acquire the keys from the domain., then build from github, then add snowflake from the domain. Acquiring the keys will fail if the domain is blocked, as well as the snowflake.

What about ordering the build script this way:

  1. Mask tor
  2. Install with apt from the debian repo
  3. Ask if want to configure bridges
  4. Unmask tor
  5. Acquire TPO keys with torsocks
  6. Install from any git (,, with torsocks git clone.

You can see this build example here 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - All from here

If using the plainnet domain, it will fail when the domain is blocked, see related issue here (it was using cloudflare dns resolver and failing. What should be used, or at least an option to choose is to APT over Tor, my example here. That user is from Turkey, he has been using my build script and working for him, see PR for him here. Not merged mainstream on the other project due to the build script being programmed to change a lot.

Change the git repos of Snowflake to, avoiding pinging or acquire it with torsocks.

See how you can change sources with this whiptail I made, sources here, the equivalent file of torbox.lib.

Can I do these changes?

radio24 commented 2 years ago

In principle, I fully agree with you. Some of the points you raise are on my personal "smart torification" list, which I like to integrate for the upcoming version. However, there are also some differences and open questions between your approach and my current idea:

Although I may not accept all of your changes, it would be very interesting, helpful and time-saving for me if you could create such a pull request.

nyxnor commented 2 years ago

I also already studies your whiptail menu, although I wouldn't give the user too much possibility to interfere. My idea is that the script does the safest way, and if that fails, it tries an alternative method.

I cringe at my whiptail menus ( I tried to keep it super simple). But about user messing up the configuration, well, this is just giving them choices. Maybe when you build TorBox, you just set the security you want with it just like Tor Browser:

This can all be solved with one simple option, ./install/ [normal|torified].

I didn't find the linked discussion comment that would not work to circumvent a cheap censorship mechanism

It is inserted here. Although it was not discussed on that issue, I was chatting with that user privately to help him and he stated he was using.

I guess one significant difference could be that I use two variants of tor installation so far. One is fetched from the source repo and the other from GitHub. With the GitHub approach, the user can select which version of tor he wishes to install. Although the goal is to torify the TorBox, I will not change the possibility of choosing between different versions.

Building from git is much better. I just mentioned to install from package manager cause from the Blitz project, it is to be faster, but for a Tor router, yes should focus on fetching from github.

What are the reason that you mask tor.

Yes, I did not explain here, but the reason to mask tor is to avoid making any connections to the Tor network before configuring bridges. If the user already has bridges, he can just uncomment that from the torrc and then let tor start with all traffic routing with bridges with pluggable transport, so no tries before a safe configuration. If the user does not have bridges, even though there are already 36 in the torrc sample, tor needs to be unmasked and acquired from the database with onion routing.

Although I may not accept all of your changes, it would be very interesting, helpful and time-saving for me if you could create such a pull request.

Let's discuss thoroughly what is needed so when there is enough information and agreement, I will start.

radio24 commented 2 years ago

I'm thankful for all the inspiration you give to the project. Nevertheless, currently, it is a little bit hard for me to explain in detail what I want. Usually, I start with an idea and then it develops it further when I see the code in front of me. So, I began to torify the update process. For me, the best way is that first, the script tries to fetch all the necessary packages through tor. If that fails, it will switch to clearnet (it asks for permission to do so, first). The name server was changed to public ones before.

You can find parts of the new code here, here, here, and here

Summary The idea is not to route the local TorBox data through tor because that will break the captive portal capabilities and has other side effects if tor is not working properly on the TorBox anymore. However, I will torify - if possible - all data traffic for the maintenance, bridge fetching, bridge checking and so on. I guess this is the main difference between the Raspiblitz and TorBox.


radio24 commented 2 years ago

I just finished looking at the install / build script for the Raspiblitz. Very well done and very impressive work. Also, I understand now the ordering of your build script. If you have time and motivation, I would be thankful, If you could work on for TorBox.

nyxnor commented 2 years ago

I can do that. update script looking good! Will add in the install script apt-transport-tor, good to add here after apt-transport-https. I recommend having a review on that page, it is missing python packages too such as pillow and requests (requirements)

radio24 commented 2 years ago

I recommend having a review on that page, it is missing python packages too such as pillow and requests (requirements)

I will update the page after the release of v.0.4.2. This is also the branch we working on.

nyxnor commented 2 years ago

Thoughts on implementation: Test if tor is working, if it is, try with torsocks and hidden service for all its benefits, if not working, either:

radio24 commented 2 years ago

Thoughts on implementation: Test if tor is working, if it is, try with torsocks and hidden service for all its benefits, if not working, either:

  • ping plainnet.
  • exit script warning it avoided to ping the domain? I don't know if you want this or not with paranoia switch.

I guess you are speaking about the installation script. If possible, it should be the same process as we have now in the update script. Test if we can reach the URL (.onion) through tor. If no, ask the user if he wants to connect through clearnet or not. If no -> exit.

At the end of the installation and on the image file, tor can still be masked. Therefore log in (SSH or web) is mandatory to start the initialisation function in the main menu script. There the user can be asked if he wants to activate bridges and to forbid clearnet access on tor related URLs. After he answered this question and the settings were set accordingly, tor can be unmasked.

nyxnor commented 2 years ago

Slight plan:

# ./ <--select-tor> <--circumvent>
# The <--select-tor> option allows the user to select a specific tor version.
# Without this option, the installation script installs the latest stable version.
# The <--circumvent> option will:
# * default to APT over Tor for the Tor Project packages
# * calls menu-bridges to configure bridges and bypass censorship
# Without this option, will ping for sources and no bridges by default.

if [ "${CIRCUmVENT}"== "--circumvent" ]; then
  SOURCES_TOR_UPDATE_CURL="--socks5 --socks5-hostname http://apow7mjfryruh65chtdydfmqfpj5btws7nbocgtaovhvezgccyjazpqd.onion"

sudo curl ${SOURCES_TOR_UPDATE_ONION_CURL}/ | sudo apt-key add -


  if [ $CIRCUMVENT = "CIRCUMVENT=1" ]; then
    bash menu-bridges
radio24 commented 2 years ago

In the update script, I turned it around: first, try over the tor socket, if that is not working, ask if using clearnet is ok. It may be better, we use the torsocket for all tor related URLs as default and not the other way around.

radio24 commented 2 years ago

Implemented with TorBox version 0.4.2!