radio24 / TorBox

TorBox is an easy to use, anonymizing router based on Raspberry Pi, which also runs on Debian and Ubuntu based systems.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
247 stars 26 forks source link
debian raspberry-pi tor ubuntu

GitHub top language License Latest Release


TorBox is an easy to use, anonymizing router based on Raspberry Pi, which also runs on Debian and Ubuntu based systems. TorBox can create a separate WiFi that routes the encrypted network data over the Tor network. However, TorBox also supports clients that are connected with a cable. Additionally, TorBox helps to publish data easily and safely through Onion Services. The type of client (desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile, etc.) and operating system on the client don’t matter.

For more information, visit the TorBox website.

What’s it all about?


Use it at your own risk!

TorBox is ideal for providing additional protection for the entire data stream and overcoming censorship. However, anonymity is hard to get – solely using Tor doesn’t guarantee it. Malware, Cookies, Java, Flash, Javascript and more will most certainly compromise your anonymity. Even the people from the Tor Project themselves state that “Tor can’t solve all anonymity problems. It focuses only on protecting the transport of data.” Therefore, it is strongly advised not to use TorBox alone, should your well-being depend on your anonymity. In such a situation, it may be better to use Tails. Please, read in the FAQ more about tracking and fingerprinting in web browsers.

Quick Installation Guide

  1. Download the latest TorBox image file and verify the integrity of the downloaded file.
  2. Transfer the downloaded image file on an SD Card, for example, with Etcher. TorBox needs at least an 8 GB SD Card.
  3. Put the SD Card into your Raspberry Pi, link it with an Internet router using an Ethernet cable, or place an USB WiFi adapter in one of the USB ports to use an existing WiFi. Afterwards, start the Raspberry Pi. During the start, the system on the SD card automatically expands over the entire free partition – user interaction, screen, and peripherals are not required yet.
  4. After 2-3 minutes, when the green LED stops to flicker, connect your client to the new WiFi “TorBox053” (password: CHANGE-IT).
  5. Login to the TorBox by using a SSH client ( on a WiFi client or on a cable client) or a web browser ( on a WiFi client or on a cable client; for a connection via cable, see here; username: torbox / password: CHANGE-IT).
  6. After seeing a welcome screen and answering some initial questions during the first start-up, you should see the TorBox Main Menu. Immediately, you should change the default passwords (the associated entries are placed in the configuration sub-menu.

At least a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ or a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B is recommended. TorBox should also work on a new Raspberry Pi 5, but we couldn't verify this yet. However, we offer also installation script for other systems, which might run on older (32bit) or other hardware platforms.

Do you have additional questions? Check out our Documentation, our FAQ on the TorBox website or contact us.

Start-up instructions


Alternative installation method with the TorBox installation script

Alternatively, you can download the latest version of Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit) or use the Raspberry Pi Imager and choose, under Operating System, Raspberry Pi OS (other), the Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit) image. With the Raspberry Pi Imager, you can also setup a Hostname, SSH, WiFi AP, username (use torbox), and your preferred password for a headless installation. If the username is not set, starting up the Raspberry Pi OS for the first time, the first-boot wizard enforces the creation of a new user account –> use torbox and your preferred password. Optionally, localize your installation with raspi-config. Ensure stable Internet connectivity, download and execute our installation script (for options, use --help):

chmod a+x

\ See here for more detailed information and installation scripts for other systems, which might run on different hardware platforms.

Building from scratch

All you need to run TorBox on your Raspberry Pi is the image file. However, if you want to build it from scratch, whether you like to implement it to an existing system, to another hardware, respectively another operating system, or you don’t trust an image file, which you didn’t bundle of your own, then check out our detailed manual for a Raspberry Pi with Raspberry Pi OS Lite.

I want to help...

GREAT! There is a lot to improve and fix (security of the entire system, graphical menu, cool logos ...). We are searching for people who want to help, and we need your feedback to improve the system. You can also donate to the Tor Project -- without them, TorBox would not exist.


For secure email communication, we are using for the TorBox email Protonmail. All messages between Protonmail users are automatically end-to-end encrypted. Additionally, all messages in Protonmail inboxes are protected with PGP encryption to prevent Protonmail (or anyone else) from reading or sharing emails, a concept known as zero-access encryption. Creating a Protonmail email address is free and takes less than a minute. With Protonmail, anyone can use PGP regardless of their technical knowledge. However, technically versed, can also use our public PGP key to communicate with us:

Version: OpenPGP.js v4.10.10


OpenPGP key file: