radxa / apt

radxa debian packages repository
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Debian packages repository for radxa products. This repository hosts packages that are built and maintained by radxa team for the Rabian, Debian and Ubuntu distributions. For more information, please check https://wiki.radxa.com/Template:Rockpi_apt and http://radxa.com/Rabian. Some of these packages can also be installed on other platforms.


Currently Radxa APT supports Rabian Jessic, Debian Stretch, Debian Buster and Ubuntu Bionic, each distro has testing and stable repositories, choose one of belows:

export DISTRO=stretch-stable
export DISTRO=stretch-testing     # update more frequently but maybe unstable
export DISTRO=bionic-stable
export DISTRO=bionic-testing      # update more frequently but maybe unstable
export DISTRO=buster-stable
export DISTRO=buster-testing      # update more frequently but maybe unstable
export DISTRO=rabian-stable
export DISTRO=rabian-testing      # update more frequently but maybe unstable

Add Radxa APT

echo "deb http://apt.radxa.com/$DISTRO/ ${DISTRO%-*} main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-radxa-com.list

Get the pub key

wget -O - apt.radxa.com/$DISTRO/public.key | sudo apt-key add -


sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install *package-name*

Available packages