rafaelgou / php-apache2-basic-auth-manager

PHP Apache2 Basic Auth Manager
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PHP Apache2 Basic Auth Manager

A really simple manager for .htaccess Basic Auth using .htpasswd and .htgroups files.

Uses the PHP Apache2 Basic Auth lib.



1) Clone the repository under a web:

Considering you have a Apache Web Server running with ServerRoot= /var/www.

cd /var/www
git clone https://github.com/rafaelgou/php-apache2-basic-auth-manager.git

2) Configure the application

cd php-apache2-basic-auth-manager
cp config.yml.dist config.yml
chown -R www-data:www-data *

(or whatever user your webserver is running under).

Edit config.yml using your favorite editor, and be sure to point to the right paths for .htpasswd and .htgroups files.

# Base URL
baseUrl: http://localhost/php-apache2-basic-auth-manager

# Path to Apache2 files
htpasswd: '/home/rafael/Dev/Rgou/.htpasswd'
htgroups: '/home/rafael/Dev/Rgou/.htgroups'

# Debug
debug: false

3) Apache config

The system directory must have:

AllowOverride All

to permit Basic Auth.

4) Create .htpasswd and .htgroups files

They can be anywhere, but must be readable by webserver user (e.g. www-data). You need to create a initial admin user:

htpasswd -cB /var/www/.htpasswd superuser
chown www-data:www-data /var/www/.htpasswd
echo 'admin: superuser' > /var/www/.htgroups
chown www-data:www-data /var/www/.htgroups

5) Create .htaccess file for the system

cd php-apache2-basic-auth-manager

Edit .htaccess using your favorite editor, and put the following content

AuthName "Members Area"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /var/www/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /var/www/.htgroups
<Limit GET POST>
    require group admin
    # or
    # require user superuser

6) Now you can access


Use the user/password created above.