rafaelhlima / basic_calc_tutorial

Introduction to Macros in LibreOffice Calc
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Introduction to Macros in LibreOffice Calc

:warning: Disclaimer

This project is still in a very early stage and few topics are ready. Feel free to open Issues to propose topics you would like to see covered in this tutorial.

This project aims to provide a tutorial for LibreOffice Calc users who want to get started with writing macros using the Basic language.

The tutorial starts with a typical "Hello World" example to show how macros are organized and covers aspects that are both related to the Basic Language and how it can be used to communicate with LO Calc.

Ckeck out the Hello World topic.

Table of Contents

Click here to see a list of all published topics.

Requesting new Topics

If you would like to suggest new topics to be covered in this tutorial, please open as Issue and give a brief description of the topic along with examples that could help create the content.


All examples were created using LibreOffice 7.0 and were run on a Ubuntu 20.04 machine. However, all examples are supposed to work on Windows and MacOS as well.


The contents in this tutorial are based on books, blog posts and responses to questions made by users in many forums. I would like to mention two important sources used to prepare this tutorial:

I also recommend reading Chapter 13 of LibreOffice's Getting Started Guide, which gives a nice overview of how macros are organized, as well as how you can record and run macros.