rafaelnsantos / unity-graphql-client

Unity Client for GraphQL API
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GraphQL Client for Unity using UnityWebRequest

Here is a sample client I made for a Unity app that utilizes a GraphQL api. I based my code on these sources:


Set the GraphQL server URL at APIGraphQL.cs:5

Sample Query & Mutation

public class SomeGameObject : MonoBehaviour {
  private class Credentials {
    public string email;
    public string password;

  public InputField Email;
  public InputField Password;

  private Credentials GetCredentials => new Credentials {
      email = Email.text,
      password = Password.text

  string query =
    @"query ($input: Credentials!) {
        token: Login(credentials: $input)

  string mutation =
    @"mutation ($input: Credentials!) {
        token: Register(credentials: $input)

  void Login () {
    APIGraphQL.Query(query, new {input = GetCredentials}, callback);

  void Register () {
    APIGraphQL.Query(mutation, new {input = GetCredentials}, callback);

  private void callback (GraphQLResponse response) {
    string token = response.Get<string>("token");

Example getting a list

public class Scores : MonoBehaviour {
  public class Score {
      public string name;
      public string score;

  List<Score> scores;

  private string query = 
      @"query ($top: Int) {
          scores: GetScores (top: $top) {

  private void Start () {
      APIGraphQL.Query(query, new {top = 10}, response => scores = response.GetList<Score>("scores"));

Issues are welcome! :)