rafal-szypulka / itm_exporter

ITM Exporter for Prometheus
MIT License
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ITM Exporter

ITM Exporter is a Prometheus exporter for IBM Tivoli Monitoring, IBM Application Performance Management (on-prem only) and IBM OMEGAMON. The exporter uses the ITM REST API in order to collect metrics from IBM ITM/APM/OMEGAMON. Note that ITM REST API is not officially supported.

How to use

Download and unpack the latest ITM Exporter release. Copy the exporter binary and config file config.yaml to your ITM TEPS server or IBM APM server. Edit the config file as described in the ITM exporter configuration section.

itm_exporter export

The above should start an exporter on default port 8000. You can check if it works using:

curl http://localhost:8000/metrics

Example output

# HELP itm_klzcpu_busycpu Busy CPU (Percent)
# TYPE itm_klzcpu_busycpu gauge
itm_klzcpu_busycpu{cpuid="0",originnode="rs41:LZ"} 48.19
itm_klzcpu_busycpu{cpuid="1",originnode="rs41:LZ"} 46.7
itm_klzcpu_busycpu{cpuid="2",originnode="rs41:LZ"} 44.33
itm_klzcpu_busycpu{cpuid="3",originnode="rs41:LZ"} 48.55
itm_klzcpu_busycpu{cpuid="Aggregate",originnode="rs41:LZ"} 46.94
# HELP itm_klzvm_memusedpct Memory Used (Percent)
# TYPE itm_klzvm_memusedpct gauge
itm_klzvm_memusedpct{originnode="rs41:LZ"} 99
# HELP itm_klzvm_vsfreepct Free Virtual Storage (Percent)
# TYPE itm_klzvm_vsfreepct gauge
itm_klzvm_vsfreepct{originnode="rs41:LZ"} 51
# HELP itm_klznet_transbps Bytes Transmitted Per Second
# TYPE itm_klznet_transbps gauge
itm_klznet_transbps{fname="eth0",originnode="rs41:LZ"} 0
itm_klznet_transbps{fname="eth1",originnode="rs41:LZ"} 545
itm_klznet_transbps{fname="lo",originnode="rs41:LZ"} 2.819566e+06
itm_klznet_transbps{fname="virbr0",originnode="rs41:LZ"} 0
itm_klznet_transbps{fname="virbr0-nic",originnode="rs41:LZ"} 0
# HELP itm_scrape_duration_seconds ITM attribute group scrape duration.
# TYPE itm_scrape_duration_seconds gauge
itm_scrape_duration_seconds{group="KLZCPU"} 1.987053388
itm_scrape_duration_seconds{group="KLZVM"} 1.231467763
itm_scrape_duration_seconds{group="KLZNET"} 1.172930966
# HELP itm_scrape_duration_seconds_all Total ITM scrape duration.
# TYPE itm_scrape_duration_seconds_all gauge
itm_scrape_duration_seconds_all 1.987057969
# HELP itm_scrape_status ITM attribute group scrape status.
# TYPE itm_scrape_status gauge
itm_scrape_status{group="KLZCPU"} 1
itm_scrape_status{group="KLZVM"} 1
itm_scrape_status{group="KLZNET"} 1

Check the all available CLI options with itm_exporter --help or itm_exporter --help-long.

Prometheus configuration

Add the following job to the scrape_configs section:

  - job_name: 'itm-exporter'
    scrape_interval: 60s
    scrape_timeout: 45s
      - targets: ['<exporter_ip>:8000']

It is not recommended to specify scrape_interval less than 60s.

ITM Exporter configuration

Example config.yaml:

itm_server_url: "http://localhost:15200"
itm_server_user: "sysadmin"
itm_server_password: "pass"
connection_timeout: 8
collection_timeout: 40
- name: "KLZCPU"
  datasets_uri: "/providers/itm.TEMS/datasources/TMSAgent.%25IBM.STATIC134/datasets"
  labels: ["CPUID", "ORIGINNODE"]
  managed_system_group: "*LINUX_SYSTEM"
- name: "KLZVM"
  datasets_uri: "/providers/itm.TEMS/datasources/TMSAgent.%25IBM.STATIC134/datasets"
  labels: ["ORIGINNODE"]
  metrics: ["MEMUSEDPCT", "VSFREEPCT"]
  managed_system_group: "*LINUX_SYSTEM"
- name: "KLZDISK"
  datasets_uri: '/providers/itm.TEMS/datasources/TMSAgent.%25IBM.STATIC134/datasets'
  managed_system_group: "*LINUX_SYSTEM"
- name: "KLZNET"
  datasets_uri: '/providers/itm.TEMS_1%3A2-3/datasources/TMSAgent.%25IBM.STATIC134/datasets'
  labels: ["ORIGINNODE", "FNAME"]
  metrics: ["TRANSBPS"]
  managed_system_group: "*LINUX_SYSTEM"
- name: "msys"
  datasets_uri: "/providers/itm.TEMS_1%3A2-3/datasources/TMSAgent.%26IBM.STATIC000/datasets"
  metrics: ["AVAILABLE"]
  managed_system_group: "*TEMS"

The section groups: specifies which ITM/APM metrics should be collected and exposed by the exporter. ITM exporter concurrently collects metrics for every group.

Attribute names (for mapping with both labels and metrics) can be listed with the following command (example for KLZCPU attribute group within Linux OS dataset):

itm_exporter listAttributes --attributeGroup=KLZCPU --dataset=/providers/itm.TEMS/datasources/TMSAgent.%25IBM.STATIC134/datasets

Example output:

| System Name                  | ORIGINNODE | false       |
| Time Stamp                   | TIMESTAMP  | false       |
| CPU ID                       | CPUID      | true        |
| User CPU (Percent)           | USRCPU     | false       |
| User Nice CPU (Percent)      | USRNCPU    | false       |
| System CPU (Percent)         | SYSCPU     | false       |
| Idle CPU (Percent)           | IDLECPU    | false       |
| Busy CPU (Percent)           | BUSYCPU    | false       |
| I/O Wait (Percent)           | WAITCPU    | false       |
| User to System CPU (Percent) | USRSYSCPU  | false       |
| Steal CPU (Percent)          | STEALCPU   | false       |
| Recording Time               | WRITETIME  | false       |

ITM Exporter CLI options

usage: itm_exporter [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

ITM exporter for Prometheus.

      --help        Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  -c, --configFile="config.yaml"
                    Configuration file
                    The address to listen on for HTTP requests.
  -v, --verboseLog  Verbose logging for export and diagnostic modes.

  help [<command>...]
    Show help.

  listAttributes --attributeGroup=ATTRIBUTEGROUP --dataset=DATASET
    List available attributes for the given attribute group.

    -g, --attributeGroup=ATTRIBUTEGROUP
                           Attribute group
    -d, --dataset=DATASET  Dataset (Agent type) URI. You can find it using command: 'itm_exporter listAgentTypes'. Example Dataset URI for Linux OS Agent:

  listAttributeGroups --dataset=DATASET [<flags>]
    List available Attribute Groups for the given dataset.

    -d, --dataset=DATASET  Dataset (Agent type) URI. You can find it using command: 'itm_exporter listAgentTypes'. Example Dataset URI for Linux OS Agent:
    -l, --long             List Attributes for every Attribute Group in dataset

  listAgentTypes --temsName=TEMSNAME
    Lists datasets (agent types).

    -t, --temsName=TEMSNAME  ITM TEMS label (specify KD8 for APMv8).

    Start itm_exporter in exporter mode.

  test --file=FILE
    Start itm_exporter in diagnostic mode.

    --file=FILE  JSON response

Prometheus Quick Start

If you are not familiar with Prometheus, a good option is to start with full Prometheus/Grafana stack running in Docker Compose.

  1. Install Docker and Docker Compose: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/
  2. git clone https://github.com/vegasbrianc/prometheus
  3. cd prometheus
  4. vi prometheus/prometheus.yml and add itm-exporter job as describe above.
  5. docker-compose up -d
  6. Check Prometheus URL via web browser: http://localhost:9090/targets ad make sure that Prometheus server can scrape itm-exporter
  7. If the job status is UP, access Grafana via web browser: http://localhost:9090/ (admin/foobar).
  8. Import both dashboards included in this repo.


Under MIT.