These scripts leverage DynamicEnergyBudgets.jl, Photosynthesis.jl and Microclimate.jl, and accompany the paper:
"Integrating dynamic plant growth models and microclimates for species distribution modelling" by Rafael Schouten, Peter Vesk and Michael Kearney, in the Journal of Ecological modelling (preprint).
Scripts are provided for building al the plots from the paper, and also for using the interactive user-interface used to examine and simplify the model.
Notice: these scripts are for julia 1.3, and many of these packages have changed and are out of date. If you want this or DynamicEnergyBudgets.jl to work on more recent versions, please make an issue
To set up, run julia 1.3 in this folder, then run:
activate .
Where ]
gets you into Pkg mode in the REPL.
After that you can hit escape to leave the Pkg mode, and use the scripts:
As loading all the packages will take quite a while, load these in a julia session that you keep open (ie in Atom/Juno), instead of running them from the command line each time.
If you have any problems, open an issue in this repository, including your version of Julia, description of the problem and error outputs where necessary.
User interface generated by the ui.jl