rafgraph / react-router-hash-link

Hash link scroll functionality for React Router
MIT License
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React Router Hash Link

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This is a solution to React Router's issue of not scrolling to #hash-fragments when using the <Link> component to navigate.

When you click on a link created with react-router-hash-link it will scroll to the element on the page with the id that matches the #hash-fragment in the link. This will also work for elements that are created after an asynchronous data load. Note that you must use React Router's BrowserRouter for this to work.

Live demo app for React Router Hash Link

Code is in the /demo folder, or open the demo in CodeSandbox


npm install --save react-router-hash-link

react-router-dom is a peer dependency.


import { HashLink } from 'react-router-hash-link';


// use it just like a RRv4/5 <Link>
// the `to` prop can be a string or an object, see RRv4/5 api for details
<HashLink to="/some/path#with-hash-fragment">Link to Hash Fragment</HashLink>


import { NavHashLink } from 'react-router-hash-link';


// use it just like a RRv4/5 <NavLink> (see RRv4/5 api for details)
// it will be active only if both the path and hash fragment match
  activeStyle={{ color: 'red' }}
  // etc...
>Link to Hash Fragment</NavHashLink>

Scrolling API

smooth: boolean

import { HashLink } from 'react-router-hash-link';


<HashLink smooth to="/path#hash">
  Link to Hash Fragment

scroll: function

import { HashLink } from 'react-router-hash-link';


  scroll={(el) => el.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'auto', block: 'end' })}
  Link to Hash Fragment

Scroll to top of page

import { HashLink } from 'react-router-hash-link';


<HashLink to="/path#top">Link to Top of Page</HashLink>
// or
<HashLink to="#top">Link to Top of Page</HashLink>

Scroll with offset

elementId: string

Custom Link

The exported components are wrapped versions of the Link and NavLink exports of react-router-dom. In some cases you may need to provide a custom Link implementation.

For example, the gatsby static site generator requires you to use its implementation of Link. You can wrap it with the genericHashLink function of this package.

import { genericHashLink } from 'react-router-hash-link';
import GatsbyLink from 'gatsby-link';

const MyHashLink = genericHashLink(GatsbyLink);

const MyComponent = () => (
    The default wont work for you?
    <MyHashLink to="/faq#how-to-use-custom-link">No problem!</MyHashLink>

Focus Management

react-router-hash-link attempts to recreate the native browser focusing behavior as closely as possible.

The browser native behavior when clicking a hash link is:

To recreate this react-router-hash-link does the following:

Note that you may find it useful to leave focus on non-interactive elements (by adding a tabindex of -1) to augment the navigation action with a visual focus indicator.