rafi / .config

Rafi's workstations (Archlinux, osx) ~/.config.
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arch-linux bash dotfiles homebrew i3 macos neovim shell tmux vim workstations

Rafael Bodill's macOS/Archlinux dotfiles

This is my entire "dotfiles" configuration for all the software I use on macOS & Archlinux, mostly in the terminal.

I've turned my ~/.config directory into a Git repository and strive to set applications write their configuration there if they don't by default. Meaning, I try to conform to the XDG standard. There is one important caveat in doing so: Secrets can be accidentally committed. I solve this with the clean and smudge filter features of Git attributes.


The most interesting configs:

... And make sure to check out github.com/rafi/vim-config


:::danger DO NOT install! These are my customized settings that are tailored to my set-up. If you blindly install it, you won't have a good time. :::

See justfile for the available commands.

macOS-specific Software

on macOS, make sure you check these out:

macOS defaults:

XDG Conformity

Configuration directories are organized neatly by defining specific environment variables in bash/exports and aliases in bash/aliases.

Some programs require special aliases to feed the proper config, see "XDG conformity" in bash/aliases.

Software Configuration Included


Recommended plugins:


Protecting Secrets

Using .gitattributes filters clean and smudge. Setup custom filters:

cd ~/.config
git config --local filter.vault.clean 'sed -f ~/.config/clean.sed'
git config --local filter.vault.smudge 'sed -f ~/.config/smudge.sed'

The sed script clean.sed is included. However, you have to create the smudge.sed script yourself, for example:

cat > ~/.config/smudge.sed
s/{{ \(DIANA\|ARIA2\)_TOKEN }}/secret/
s/{{ LASTFM_TOKEN }}/token/
s/{{ LASTFM_PASS }}/password/
s/{{ GIT_NAME }}/Joe Shmoe/
s/{{ GIT_EMAIL }}/name@gmail.com ; personal/
s/{{ GIT_WORK_EMAIL }}/name@gmail.com ; work/
s/{{ JIRA_URL }}/url/
s/{{ JIRA_USER }}/username/
s/{{ JIRA_PASS }}/password/
s/{{ FORECASTIO_TOKEN }}/token/
s/{{ GITHUB_TOKEN }}/token/
s/{{ GITLAB_TOKEN }}/token/
s/{{ OPENAI_API_KEY }}/token/
s/{{ TMUX_SPOTIFY_API_KEY }}/token/

Now whenever you stage files, the clean.sed will prevent secrets being committed. And on checkout, the smudge.sed will inject your secrets into their proper placeholders. Note that smudge.sed is ignored from being committed mistakenly.

Copy .env.example to ~/.config/.env and fill in your secrets:


# And so on…

For maximum portability, refrain from using quotes or 'export' commands.