rafi16jan / pouchdb-orm

ORM for PouchDB/CouchDB using relational-pouch. Inspired By Odoo
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nosql vs relational #1

Open rachmataditiya opened 6 years ago

rachmataditiya commented 6 years ago


rafi16jan commented 6 years ago

If you do your own research about CouchDB or its Javascript community (PouchDB). Its nothing like mongodb. Even PouchDB use Google's leveldb which the performance is not that bad compared to postgre https://wiki.duraspace.org/plugins/servlet/mobile?contentId=73174855#content/view/73174855

Anyway, this framework goal isn't about raw query to the database. It's about syncing to local devices so you doesn't read ir.ui.menu directly to the server's database (sorry if you don't understand this reference) .

Next time, please open an issue with a suggestion or advice. I'll keep this issue open just in case you really want to contribute further.

rachmataditiya commented 6 years ago

okay, I understand you. So far I know pouchdb sync everything on remote to local devices isn't it? when I talk about big data, for ERP as an example which is more than 10GB database. is it fit on browser? although you can create a partial function to read some part from server and sync it manually but later you wouldn't be getting the benefits of PouchDB's built-in sync. My suggestion if you want to use this framework for large database I would recommend you to use a relational database which already proven for production use.

rafi16jan commented 6 years ago

If you read the framework source code its clear that it only sync a record when one of the CRUD operations is executed. And later will be flushed if the database is full.

Talking about big data, CouchDB is one of the pioneer of it. You can search for CouchDB and Couchbase proven methodology of handling big data, the compression, revision and conflict management. Although not performance. This is where the community try to improve with leveldb, that also not new at big data.

Your suggestion is appreciated, but currently isn't really helpful because Odoo can't prove that just using postgre the application will run seamlessly fast. There are many aspects to be considered too.

rachmataditiya commented 6 years ago

maybe it's better for you to give references for your statement, I really appreciated that. Also who is using it for large scale if you have any reference