rafi16jan / pouchdb-orm

ORM for PouchDB/CouchDB using relational-pouch. Inspired By Odoo
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couchdb odoo orm pouchdb relational-model

Object-Relational Mapping for PouchDB/CouchDB and Framework inspired by Odoo

After years developing applications with magic MVC and ORM included with it, I started to think even though these ORM Frameworks and relational-databases are powerful. They lack some important points that needs to be fixed.

Now Framework is on Beta Stage!

New Messaging Feature


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Purpose of this project

How to use the Framework

To install just do npm install on the module directory

To run the server, do node server.js or pass --clear-cache to clear the cache

Modify app.conf to change port or other variables

The Webclient is on client folder, put it on nginx or something else or simply open index.html on a browser, it should work. Or if you're lazy enough you can change local_app variable in app.conf to True. Then, open the server url (don't forget the port).

How to test (Advanced)

To test the ORM read the test.pyj file, if you know Odoo you should feel familiar with the code.

To execute it node ./node_modules/.bin/rapydscript -x test.pyj, or if you encounter bugs remove the cache too rm -f */*.pyj-cached && node ./node_modules/.bin/rapydscript -x test.pyj

To test the Framework read the server.pyj file, it is the file that contains the main controller (the Class is also similar to Odoo's http.Controller)

To execute it rm -f */*.pyj-cached && node ./node_modules/.bin/rapydscript -p modules -x server.pyj

What's In-progress

So lately I've been requested to finish this project so I worked on it. And now the plain ORM is ready for use (although not tested heavily). Now I'm developing the PWA for the client side. In the future I'll made the documentation for all APIs and ORM logic, but for now I'll just point the fundamentals.

What's still undecided

All feedback and advice are appreciated