raft-tech / raft-tech.github.io

Repo for
MIT License
6 stars 10 forks source link

Raft Website

Website Website

This repo contains the source code for:

The site uses Jekyll (based on Centrarium theme). We ♥️ Open Source Software, so Pull Requests are always welcome (check out this section on how to contribute and checkout the open issues)

Table of Contents:

Add yourself to the About page (Non Devs)

Welcome to Raft! We work together to solve hard problems and we're glad you've decided to join our journey. In order for you to be added to Our Team page, please follow these four steps:

  1. Open a new issue with title Adding <your name>

  2. Create a new branch from master

  3. Update the _data/members.yml to add your details and add a new file to the _about/ folder

  4. Send a Pull Request from your newly created branch in (1) to master and tag barakstout, meissadia, or omnipresent07 as reviewers

Below is a detailed explanation of each step:

0 - Opening a new issue

1 - Creating a new branch

2 - File changes

- id: firstname_lastname
  permalink: /about/firstname_lastname
  full_name: Firstname Lastname
  role: Your Title
  image: <firstname_lastname.jpg> or null (if you don't want your image up)
id: firstname_lastname
permalink: "/about/firstname_lastname"
full_name: Firstname Lastname
title: About - Firstname Lastname
role: Your Title
about: Short bio about yourself
github: your github handle
linkedin: yourlinkedin url
homepage: your homepage url - if applicable
featimg: "/assets/aboutBanner1.jpg" <-- do not change
layout: about/profile <-- do not change

3 - Open a pull request (PR)

Adding yourself to the About page (For Devs)

- id: firstname_lastname
  permalink: /about/firstname_lastname
  full_name: Firstname Lastname
  role: Title
  image: firstname_lastname.jpg or null if you don't want your image up
id: firstname_lastame
permalink: "/about/firstname_lastname"
full_name: Firstname Lastname
title: About - Firstname Lastname
role: Your title
about: Your Bio
github: "Your GitHub URL"
linkedin: "Your Linkedin URL"
featimg: "/assets/aboutBanner1.jpg" <-- do not change
layout: about/profile <--  do not change

Creating a blog post (Non Devs)

A blog post comprises for three things:

  1. Have your blog post in Markdown format. Copy/Paste the below into the editor.

    layout: post
    title: "Really long blog title"
    short_title: "Shorter title"
    date: 2021-07-14
    featimg: /assets/images/featimage/...
    bgimg: /assets/images/bgimg/...
    author: Angela Milash
  2. Open a new issue

    • (a) The title of the issue should be Name of the blog title - by John Doe
    • (b) The body of the ticket drag and drop the two images -- one for the index page and another for the actual blog page (exampel: here).
  3. Click Submit New Issue

  4. Tag either barakstout, meissadia, or omnipresent07 for review

Creating a blog post (For Devs)

  1. Have your blog post in Markdown format. Copy/Paste the below into the editor.

    layout: post
    title: "Really long blog title"
    short_title: "Shorter title"
    date: 2021-07-14
    featimg: /assets/images/featimage/...
    bgimg: /assets/images/bgimg/...
    author: Angela Milash
  2. Open a PR that:

    • add the new markdown file to _/posts in the format YYYY-DD-MM-title-of-the-post.md
    • add the background image to assets/images/bgimage
    • add the index image to assets/images/featimage
  3. Open a PR for barakstout, meissadia, or omnipresent07 for review

Running locally (For Devs)

To run the site locally from source, you will need to Install Jekyll for which you'll need Ruby. We recommend:

Install RVM

➜ curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
➜  ~ rvm version
rvm 1.29.12 (latest) by Michal Papis, Piotr Kuczynski, Wayne E. Seguin [https://rvm.io]

Install Ruby

➜  ~ rvm install "ruby-2.6.4"

Clone and run locally

cd ~/
mkdir raft
cd raft
git clone git@github.com:raft-tech/raft-tech.github.io.git
cd raft-tech.github.io.git
gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll pagemaster --no-permalink about
#If you are running this with ruby 3.0+, run the command 'bundle add webrick'
bundle exec jekyll serve

# raft website avilable at http://localhost:4000

M1 Based Macs follow the instructions here to install ruby

Docker Compose for local dev (For Devs)

Simply clone the repo cd into the root folder in terminal and run docker-compose up point your browser to http://localhost:4000 and get to work.

Dockerizing (For Devs)

Build and deploy locally using Docker

docker build . -t=raft-website

docker run -p 80:80 raft-website

Kubeconfig files (For Devs)

Update the Image value in raft-website-deploy and deploy raft-website on Kubernetes:

kubectl apply -f kubernetes/raft-website-deploy.yaml
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/raft-website-svc.yaml

To get the external IP:

kubectl get svc raft-website-svc