raga70 / FullyAutomatedRedditVideoMakerBot

This repository contains a fully automated system that generates and posts Reddit stories to three major platforms: TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Fully Automated Reddit Stories Video Generator & Poster to TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts


This repository contains a fully automated system that generates and posts Reddit stories to three major platforms: TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts.

Why Use This?

If you're looking into this, you likely know that 1 million views on TikTok can earn around €20. This tool will automatically produce brain-rotting videos with zero effort after the initial setup. With multiple accounts, you can scale this infinitely and potentially make a decent profit.

The base of this project is a heavily modified version of RedditVideoMakerBot. I’ve extended it with features such as:

After setup, you can let this brain-rot farm automatically generate passive income. Sample Results: MyTikTokProfile



[!WARNING] Windows is not fully supported you will need to solve the Python dependency issues you occur, also istagrapi (the unofficial Instagram API used for uploading to Instagram is not available on windows)

To avoid problems you can use WSL, don`t get me wrong you can set-up the environment in Windows by please DO NOT open any issues in the repo if you are using Windows

Supported Python Versions


  1. Set up a virtual environment:

    python3.12 -m venv venvDigger
    source venvDigger/bin/activate

    naming matter for the Automator.sh script

  2. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install pydantic==2.7.4     # to fix  dependency mismatch 
  3. Deactivate the virtual environment:

  4. Set up TikTok uploader:

    cd uploaders/TiktokAutoUploader
    python3.12 -m venv .tokvenv
    source .tokvenv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    cd uploaders/TiktokAutoUploader/tiktok_uploader/tiktok-signature/
    npm i
    npx playwright install

Background Video Setup

Download an undetectable "unoriginal content" Minecraft or other background video with the following command:

yt-dlp -f 'bestvideo[height=1080]+bestaudio/best' -ciw -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s" <video_url>

Place the video inside assets/backgrounds/video/ and rename it to bbswitzer-parkour.mp4.

Text-to-Speech (TTS)

If you want the best sounding TTS, you will need to use ElevenLabs. The free tier allows for about 5 videos per month, or you can use multiple free-tier API keys with the provided ElevenLabsKeyRotator script (they only want a fresh email adress for you to generate a key :) .

if you want to go the elevenlabs route modify elevenLabsKeyRotator.py and put at least 15 api keys in there (depends on how often you want to upload)

if you dont want to use elevenLabs modify Automathor.sh and coment out the execution of elevenLabsKeyRotator.py

Configuration Setup

Generate or modify the config.toml:

  1. Run the following command to launch the CLI UI and finish your configuration:

    python3 main.py
    • Alternatively, modify the config.toml directly. Here’s what you’ll need:

    DISCLAIMER: changing the subreddits will result in a diffrent output folder name , modify the Automator.sh to reflect that

    • TTS Engine: Choose between ElevenLabs or StreamLabs Polly, (if you chose elevenlabs provide one of your keys).
    • Reddit Credentials: Visit Reddit Apps to create your app. Detailed instructions can be found here.


logins shoud be executed in an enviorment that suports gui to open up a browser, you can run all scripts on some other machine and then transfer the token files to your server (keep in mind that you also need to setup the proper enviorment and pakages)


  1. Navigate to uploaders/TiktokAutoUploader and activate the TikTok virtual environment:
    source .tokvenv/bin/activate
  2. Log in:

    python3 cli.py login -n my_tiktok_username

    If you’re running this on another machine, copy the CookiesDir to your server machine.


  1. Modify uploaders/instagram_creds.conf with your credentials.
  2. Upload a test video using the following command:
    python3 uploaders/instaUpload.py "path_to_video" "description"



  1. Sign up for YouTube API v3 on Google Cloud Console (free: you can upload one video every 24 hours).
  2. Place your youtube_client_secret.json in the uploaders/ folder.
  3. Test the setup:
    python3 uploaders/youtubeUpload.py "path_to_video" "description"

    your default browser will open and you will be prompted to log in and authorize access to your YouTube account. Afterward, a YTtoken.json file will be generated. If you’re running this on another machine, copy the YTtoken.json to your server machine.

Vosk for Captions

If you don’t have 9GB of RAM or swap space, you can switch to Vosk 0.15 small. However, the captions might not be as accurate. To switch models, modify captionsGen.py to use vosk-model-small-en-us-0.15.

Running the Full Flow

Once you've tested each component, run the full flow with:


To automate it, create a cron job:

0 */7 * * * su user -c "/home/user/RedditVideoMakerBot-master/Automator.sh"

I recommend setting it to every 7 hours. The Automator.sh script also includes a built-in random delay between 2 minutes and 3 hours.

What next

You can scale up this whole operation and setup multiple enviorments with diffrent accounts, just set them up in a non-interfiaring schedule