== Whats it about ? Main intention of this project was to put creativity to test and gain more experience in 3D modeling using THREE.js library (https://threejs.org/).
== Learnings from this project:
in Ruby on Rails.== How to make it work in my machine ?
=== Pre-requisite:
Make sure to install redis
in your machine before starting the project.
foreman start
. === Getting real-time data from Twitter streaming api based on tweets lat/long: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/4582543/20336743/6f3dab10-ab81-11e6-8b9f-5b0acb86ea75.png
=== Track tweets, keywords and get total count: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/4582543/20336749/763e7084-ab81-11e6-912b-7fd7bb793bb1.png