raiguard / TrainGroups

A Factorio mod that eases the process of configuring train schedules.
MIT License
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Train Groups

Train Groups is a Factorio mod enabling you to sync the schedules of multiple trains.


Download on the Factorio mod portal.


The mod adds a new button to the top of the train GUI.

Clicking this button allows you to select or create a train group.

Changing to a group will sync the train's schedule to the other trains in that group.

Any changes made to a schedule will be immediately reflected in the schedules of all trains in the group. Temporary stations will be ignored.

The mod also adds a widget to the train overview GUI that lists your groups, and allows you to rename or delete them.

If you have no groups, the mod will offer to auto-create them based on train schedule.


In general, any changes made to schedules by mods will be ignored; only edits made by players will be synced. The following mods have extra compatibility:

Train Control Signals

The skip signal from Train Control Signals will be filtered out when syncing schedules. This causes it to temporarily disappear from the other trains when the schedule is edited, but does not affect the functionality of TCS.

Train Schedule Signals

All wait conditions on stations utilizing Train Schedule Signals will be ignored, as those are managed directly by TSS.