railsbridge / organizing

Where workshop organizers can keep track of the workshops currently being planned.
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SF Mobile Bridge Pilot Workshop #33

Closed rachelmyers closed 9 years ago

rachelmyers commented 10 years ago

@nesquena and @timothy1ee have volunteered their Code Path curricula to kick off what we're calling MobileBridge workshops.

The hope is that this workshop will be organized by people familiar with RailsBridge, and taught by veterans of the meetup where they teach the curriculum.

9/2 Update: Tentatively scheduled for October 18th with teacher training on September 28th. Venue is pending but will likely be at Apportable. Event will be Objective-C and the schedule and curriculum can be found here and editable by anyone.

9/28: Glenna, Laura, and Katherine are the co-organizers. We've reviewed the curriculum now.

Giant List of TODOs:

A few months out:

Potential organizers, hosts, and sponsors: Please leave a comment if you're able to volunteer! :smile_cat:

A month out:


nesquena commented 10 years ago

This is great, thanks for putting together an action plan! Wanted to share out a link to the rough iOS weekend workshop schedule and curriculum we've run successfully a number of times. We can definitely manage communication with the iOS meetup group and our iOS bootcamp alumni to source volunteers to help out!

sidhene commented 10 years ago

Should I tag this as an SF workshop or will it be in another city?

I'm writing up an email to the participants of the June workshop and want to send links to workshops that need help.

rachelmyers commented 10 years ago

Labeled and renamed. Feel free to link to this.

sidhene commented 10 years ago

Causes.com has asked about hosting again. I sent a link to this discussion.

nesquena commented 10 years ago

We are currently exploring a swift version of this curriculum to introduce in a future version of this although we've run many successful workshops with objective-c. We've also posted a cleaned up version of the iOS schedule and curriculum on a github wiki for easy editing. We hope to be able to fill in more details into there soon.

iisa commented 10 years ago

Hi all, I saw this and thought you guys. best, isa


jimmy commented 10 years ago

Depending on the date and how many people will show up, we'd be happy to host the event at our office.

rachelmyers commented 10 years ago

@jimmy Cool! You're at Causes, right? What do you think a good RSVP limit would be for the space?

jimmy commented 10 years ago

I think we can fit 75 people in rows of chairs facing a presentation area. If we don't use chairs, probably 100. We're at Github's old office, @rachelmyers, I bet you have a good idea of how many people can fit in that big front room.

nesquena commented 10 years ago

That sounds like more than enough space! @rachelmyers let us know what the next steps are for making this happen :+1:

sidhene commented 10 years ago

@nesquena The next steps are:

  1. Find someone to sponsor food. This costs between $700 and $1200, depending on the size of the workshop. Frequently the space sponsor can also spot for food, so ask about this when you're talking to them about the date.
  2. Choose a date - a quick call or email exchange with @jimmy should be enough to accomplish this
  3. Find a co-organizer - I've made a post to the Railsbridge Organizer's list calling for volunteers. Hopefully someone will come comment on this thread volunteering herself very soon
  4. Post to Bridgetroll - then you're off to the races!

see also: The workshop cookbook is a great resource for new organizers: https://github.com/railsbridge/docs/wiki/Cookbook

ultrasaurus commented 10 years ago

It's exciting to see this workshop being planned. We should be sure to schedule teacher training for this -- both so RailsBridge regulars can get an overview of the curriculum and volunteers from iOS meetup group and iOS bootcamp alumni get a good intro to how we create a safe space / learning environment.

glenna commented 10 years ago

Hello! I'd love to help out with co-organizing this. I'm an iOS dev at Apportable (so by proxy, I know a lot about android as well).

I'm currently working in Berlin, but will be back mid-September. I'd love to contribute from afar as well as join in planning/teaching when I get back to SF.

Let me know what I can do! I can also talk to Apportable about hosting/sponsoring.

Thanks to @ultrasaurus for pointing me here :)

neurosaurus commented 10 years ago

I did CodePath this past Spring and would love to help out with both the teacher training and teaching! Let me know what needs to be done. // cc @nesquena

imju commented 10 years ago

Same as @neurosaurus I would love to participate for teaching related part. I am codepath alum and an ios developer now.

rajatb commented 10 years ago

Hi. I did codepath iOS. I would be more that happy to help out in running the workshops.

jimmy commented 10 years ago

@nesquena, let me know when you plan on hosting the event, and I can see if our office is available.

ultrasaurus commented 10 years ago

I removed "August" from the name since it looks like a date isn't set yet. @nesquena -- do you want to propose a timeline? I think it is important to schedule

Do you have a pointer to the curriculum? I'd love to learn a bit more about it in advance. Have we already gotten some RailsBridge experience TAs or teachers together with you to talk through your plans for teaching the event? @glenna is out of town, but maybe we could do a Google Hangout or something

DiyahM commented 10 years ago

Hi guys,

Wanted to let you know that I am familiar with Railsbridge and Codepath. I have taught day workshops with both orgs and I'm a Codepath alumni. Although, I'm on the Android side of the house with Codepath, let me know if I can provide any help or assistance.


Sarah Allen wrote:

I removed "August" from the name since it looks like a date isn't set yet. @nesquena https://github.com/nesquena -- do you want to propose a timeline? I think it is important to schedule

  • teacher training 1-2 weeks before the workshop
  • workshop date

Do you have a pointer to the curriculum? I'd love to learn a bit more about it in advance. Have we already gotten some RailsBridge experience TAs or teachers together with you to talk through your plans for teaching the event? @glenna https://github.com/glenna is out of town, but maybe we could do a Google Hangout or something

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/railsbridge/organizing/issues/33#issuecomment-52045162.

glenna commented 10 years ago

@ultrasaurus @nesquena I'm available for Google Hangouts if necessary. Sarah has my contact information.

nesquena commented 10 years ago

do you want to propose a timeline?

What do you think about Saturday, September 27th for workshop date? Should give us enough time to get everything prepared?

teacher training 1-2 weeks before the workshop

How about week of September 8th? Is teacher training usually on a weekday or weekend?

Do you have a pointer to the curriculum?

We posted a rough version of the iOS schedule and curriculum we use on a github wiki for easy editing. I realize it's nowhere near as detailed in instructions as the other curriculums but it's the document we've been using with our alumni to run weekend workshops in our meetup. We've run at least a dozen in this format outlined with good results so far.

Have we already gotten some RailsBridge experience TAs or teachers together with you to talk through your plans for teaching the event?

Would be great to set this up sometime soon whenever your schedules allow. Can bring together experienced Railsbridge organizers and iOS alumni from my class for a hangout. Hangout would work fine.

// cc @ultrasaurus @glenna @jimmy @rachelmyers

jimmy commented 10 years ago

September 27th could work for us. What hours that day?

jimmy commented 10 years ago

By the way, what else do you expect we provide beyond space (and tables, chairs, and wifi)?

ultrasaurus commented 10 years ago

Sorry for the delayed response! I won't be in town Sept 27, but you should move forward if @glenna, @DiyahM, or one of the other women who have been involved in a RailsBridge workshop are available that weekend, since I can show up and maybe TA (if I can brush up on my iOS skillz), but can't commit to much more than that. I am avail following weekend, but Sept is a little busy for me.

Can we do teacher Sept 15 or Sept 16th and maybe get together for a Google Hangout week of Sept 2 so people can meet each other in advance?

imju commented 10 years ago

Hi All,

Sorry I have a conflict on Sept. 27. I won't be able to make it if it is on that day. But I believe there are 2 instructors that I know so far. I hope this is ok.

Best, Imju

On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 6:45 AM, Sarah Allen notifications@github.com wrote:

Sorry for the delayed response! I won't be in town Sept 27, but you should move forward if @glenna https://github.com/glenna, @DiyahM https://github.com/DiyahM, or one of the other women who have been involved in a RailsBridge workshop are available that weekend, since I can show up and maybe TA (if I can brush up on my iOS skillz), but can't commit to much more than that. I am avail following weekend, but Sept is a little busy for me.

Can we do teacher Sept 15 or Sept 16th and maybe get together for a Google Hangout week of Sept 2 so people can meet each other in advance?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/railsbridge/organizing/issues/33#issuecomment-53265125 .

glenna commented 10 years ago

I'll be back in SF by September 27th and am free then and can be available for a Google Hangout the week of Sept 2. I wouldn't be able to do Sept 15 or 16th for teacher training as I get back to SF on the 15th and expect I'll be jet lagged.

If there's anything I can do remotely (space, food procurement, promoting, etc.) let me know!

//cc @nesquena @ultrasaurus

nesquena commented 10 years ago

Hmm since I am kicking off our next bootcamp around mid-september and timing isn't ideal for several of you that responded, perhaps we should push it back to a later date? October 18th? with teacher training on October 4th? Schedule alignment is always the hardest part for these, I am relatively flexible so I'd prefer to pick a date that works better for others involved that have experience with Railsbridge events. If anyone has another suggestion for a better saturday, I am open to it!

Excited to get this off the ground when the timing is right!

glenna commented 10 years ago

@nesquena those dates work for me!

//cc @ultrasaurus

mfjenn commented 10 years ago

I’m so happy to see this is happening! Yay MobileBridge! 📲

On Aug 26, 2014, at 2:57 AM, Glenna Buford notifications@github.com wrote:

@nesquena those dates work for me!

//cc @ultrasaurus

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

ultrasaurus commented 10 years ago

Looks like those dates are open for me too!

How about having the organizing call at lunchtime PST on 9/2 which is 9p in Berlin (or at 8:30a or 9a in the morning will work for me too)? if I remember where @glenna is correctly.

glenna commented 10 years ago

Works for me!

//cc @ultrasaurus @nesquena

LauraKirby commented 10 years ago

Hello all, my name is Laura and I am a leader of the Women Who Code Mobile group. I would love to help out with this event. I am available for above-listed dates. I am excited about this iOS Bridge! Yay!

LauraKirby commented 10 years ago

Maybe, the training could occur in the evening? There is a Women Who Code Open Source Software meetup from 10am-4pm on Saturday October 4th.

nesquena commented 10 years ago

How about having the organizing call at lunchtime PST on 9/2 which is 9p in Berlin (or at 8:30a or 9a in the morning will work for me too)? if I remember where @glenna is correctly.

That time works for me, and I will invite my co-founder @timothy1ee to join in on the call as well. Great to see there's so many people able to help make this happen.

nesquena commented 10 years ago

Maybe, the training could occur in the evening? There is a Women Who Code Open Source Software meetup from 10am-4pm on Saturday October 4th.

@LauraKirby Do teacher trainings typically happen on Saturdays or during the weekdays for other bridge events? We could definitely move that day if it conflicts with a WWC event.

LauraKirby commented 10 years ago

@nesquena I have only participated in the RailsBridge event as an attendee. I do not know when the teacher trainings usually occur. Maybe a different day would be better? However, I know it was hard establishing these dates. Assuming the events won't overlap, I am willing to attend both.

ultrasaurus commented 10 years ago

Eek. Didn't get this on my calendar... have a work meeting that got scheduled till 12:45 on Tues 9/2. You could start without me and I could join at the end, or we can talk on Wed 9/3 at noon PST. @nesquena @glenna @timothy1ee @DiyahM @neurosaurus

glenna commented 10 years ago

I can do either, just let me know.

// cc @nesquena @ultrasaurus

ultrasaurus commented 10 years ago

Let's meet Tues at 12:15 -- I wil get out of my meeting as soon as I can, but you all can start introductions and planning without me. Here's a Google Hangout URL -- I'll send a calendar meetup to people whose emails I have.

nesquena commented 10 years ago

That should work for @timothy1ee and I. Chat with you then. Would be great to have anyone else in this thread that can help out join in as well if timing works out /cc @imju @neurosaurus @DiyahM

DiyahM commented 10 years ago

That time works for me. Chat then :)

Nathan Esquenazi wrote:

That should work for @timothy1ee https://github.com/timothy1ee and I. Chat with you then. Would be great to have anyone else in this thread that can help out join in as well if timing works out /cc @imju https://github.com/imju @neurosaurus https://github.com/neurosaurus @DiyahM https://github.com/DiyahM

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/railsbridge/organizing/issues/33#issuecomment-54096800.

LauraKirby commented 10 years ago

I can meet tomorrow at 12:15 as well.

LauraKirby commented 10 years ago

I am unable to join the conversation. Would someone mind adding me? laurakirby26@gmail.com

Thank you.

nesquena commented 10 years ago

I am unable to add people to the hangout but this link might work. Tim and I are on the call.

glenna commented 10 years ago

I am also unable to join the call with that link. Just says "Trying to join the call..."

LauraKirby commented 10 years ago

I am getting the same notice at @glenna. Then I get a notice, which states "This party is over..."

DiyahM commented 10 years ago

@nesquena That link isn't working for me either.

nesquena commented 10 years ago

Trying to invite you all one by one, hope that works!

glenna commented 10 years ago

@DiyahM and @LauraKirby have you gotten an invite yet to the hangout yet?

DiyahM commented 10 years ago

I haven't received it. Can you send it to hadiyah@playpenlabs.com?