rainmanwy / robotframework-SikuliLibrary

Sikuli Robot Framework Library provide keywords for Robot Framework to test UI through Sikuli.
Apache License 2.0
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SikulixLibrary for Robot Framework constantly throws the same exception #33

Open ChthonicOne opened 7 years ago

ChthonicOne commented 7 years ago

On Centos 6, the SikulixLibrary for Robot Framework keeps throwing the following exception: 11078 [qtp11556956098-27] ERROR org.apache.xmlrpc.server.XmlRpcErrorLogger - No such handler: get_keyword_tags

This seems to be thrown with every new test. A quick google of this error in apache tells me that either you aren't giving it the proper method name or not giving it a method at all. While it seems to run ok, it only does so for a while and then it's stability seems to start dropping after about 20-30 tests where it starts mismatching images (as if they're offset consistently) or not finding images it could find a minute ago.

Restarting the server corrects these issues, but it always throws this exception at least once for every test run.

Just a note, we are going to be using this for government testing, telling me to switch to Centos 7 won't help me as the government hasn't approved it as tested yet. That also goes for insisting that I install certain software that isn't tested for Centos 6. If you can find a way to help me get it running on Centos 6 without breaking any of the built in functionality it might be ok, but if it is going to break things like upgrading to Python 2.7 or installing glibc 2.14, It will break the OS without upgrading a significant portion to Centos 7, and that's out of the question. They are also insisting on using Centos over Windows. I'm just an intern, I don't make these decisions.

rainmanwy commented 7 years ago

@ChthonicOne , "get_keyword_tags" is a new interface. It should not effect the execution.

https://github.com/ombre42/jrobotremoteserver/issues/37 http://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/RobotFrameworkUserGuide.html#getting-keyword-tags

maxdesp commented 6 years ago

Any solution Yet ?

rainmanwy commented 6 years ago

@maxdesp So this problem will block your testing? Could you attach the error log here?

choosebest commented 6 years ago

Have you had "FAIL - com.github.rainmanwy.robotframework.sikulilib.exceptions.TimeoutException: Timeout happend, could not find the image file" on CentOS7?

cplus02 commented 5 years ago

I got this problem, too. I clone the sources on github and built with maven on macOS Mojave, run setup.py to install, everything is fine until I try to run keywords, it throws:

246001 [qtp1887400018-13] ERROR org.apache.xmlrpc.server.XmlRpcErrorLogger - No such handler: get_keyword_tags

And Robot report: Connection to remote server broken: Remote end closed connection without response

then test case failed, any solution for this?

Wesly-Yu commented 5 years ago

Robot report this :"Connection to remote server broken: Remote end closed connection without response" can't run keywords--click

namhsah commented 4 years ago

The root cause for this issue seems to be fixed on this tag according to the answer. The are potentially a few minors side effects. Is it possible to check this?