rainmanwy / robotframework-SikuliLibrary

Sikuli Robot Framework Library provide keywords for Robot Framework to test UI through Sikuli.
Apache License 2.0
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Sikuli Robot Framework Library


Sikuli Robot Framework Library provides keywords to be used within Robot Framework's environment to test UI through Sikulix, a automation tool that uses image recognition to identify and interact with UI components.

This library supports python 2.x, and python 3.x

Mapping With Sikulix API Version

As this library is depended with sikulixapi, below table describe the mapping between SikuliLibrary version and sikulixapi version. Before using this library, please check doc of sikulix, and make sure the environment satisfy the requirement of sikulix.

SikuliLibrary sikulixapi
master 2.0.5
2.0.0 2.0.4
1.0.8 2.0.1


Keyword Documentation

Here is a list of the available Keywords

Getting Started

This guide will take you through setting up Robot Framework with Sikuli Library, on a Windows machine.

Step 1: Install the basic components

Make sure you have at least java 8 installed, python 2.x or 3.x and pip

Run the command line below to check the currently version that you have installed:

To check java version: java -version

To check python version: python --version

To check pip version: pip --version

Step 2: Install Robot Framework and Sikuli Library

Using pip, you can install Robot Framework

pip install robotframework

And then install the library

pip install robotframework-SikuliLibrary

Other options for Linux users

Build With Maven


Writing your first test

Hello World Example

*** Settings ***
Documentation     Sikuli Library Demo
Test Setup        Add Needed Image Path
Test Teardown     Stop Remote Server
Library           SikuliLibrary

*** Variables ***
${IMAGE_DIR}      ${CURDIR}\\img

*** Test Cases ***
Windows Notpad Hellow World
    Open Windows Start Menu
    Open Notepad
    Input In Notepad
    Quit Without Save

*** Keywords ***
Add Needed Image Path
    Add Image Path    ${IMAGE_DIR}

Open Windows Start Menu
    Click    windows_start_menu.png

Open Notepad
    Input Text    search_input.png    notepad
    Click    notepad.png
    Double Click    notepad_title.png

Input In Notepad
    Input Text    notepad_workspace.png    Hello World
    Text Should Exist    Hello World

Quit Without Save
    Click    close.png
    Click    dont_save.png

Click In Example

*** Settings ***
Documentation     Sikuli Library Click In Example
Test Setup        Add Needed Image Path
Test Teardown     Stop Remote Server
Library           SikuliLibrary
Library           OperatingSystem

*** Variables ***
${IMAGE_DIR}      ${CURDIR}\\img

*** Test Cases ***
Click In Example
    Open Example UI
    Click Right OK Button
    Click Left OK Button

*** Keywords ***
Add Needed Image Path
    Add Image Path    ${IMAGE_DIR}

Open Example UI
    Run         chrome ${CURDIR}\\html\\click_in_demo.html

Click Right OK Button
    Click In        right_area.png      target.png

Click Left OK Button
    Click In        left_area.png      target.png

Ruby Client Example

require "xmlrpc/client"
require "pathname"

client = XMLRPC::Client.new("", "/", 10000)
client.call("run_keyword", "addImagePath", [Pathname.new(File.dirname(__FILE__)).realpath.to_s+"/img"])
client.call("run_keyword", "click", ["windows_start_menu.png"])
client.call("run_keyword", "waitUntilScreenContain", ["search_input.png", "5"])
client.call("run_keyword", "input_text", ["search_input.png", "notepad"])
client.call("run_keyword", "click", ["notepad.png"])
client.call("run_keyword", "doubleClick", ["notepad_title.png"])
client.call("run_keyword", "click", ["close.png"])

Advance Options

Start Server Manually

SikuliLibrary contains a standalone jar file which could be started in command line. Sometimes user want to do test on different OS. The steps are:

"NEW" mode

Test Cases New Mode Add Image Path E:/config Click click.png

### Start Server

java -jar SikuliLibrary.jar 10000 .

0 [main] INFO org.robotframework.remoteserver.RemoteServer - Mapped path / to library com.github.rainmanwy.robotframework.sikulilib.SikuliLibrary. 1 [main] INFO org.robotframework.remoteserver.RemoteServer - Robot Framework remote server starting 1 [main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - jetty-7.x.y-SNAPSHOT 28 [main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler - started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler{/,null} 129 [main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractConnector - Started SelectChannelConnector@ 129 [main] INFO org.robotframework.remoteserver.RemoteServer - Robot Framework remote server started on port 10000.

## Disable Java Process Log File
Could configure environment variable *DISABLE_SIKULI_LOG* to disable create log files

Linux: export DISABLE_SIKULI_LOG=yes

## Microsoft Management Console (MMC)
In Windows environment, some applications are created using MMC. SikuliX is only able to interact with MMC if you launch as Administrator the Sikuli IDE or the test script using SikuliX library.

If you start seeing errors like the below, you are running your tests against an MMC application as a non-admin:

[log] CLICK on L(1061,118)@S(0)[0,0 1920x1080] [error] RobotDesktop: checkMousePosition: should be L(1061,118)@S(0)[0,0 1920x1080] but after move is L(137,215)@S(0)[0,0 1920x1080] Possible cause in case you did not touch the mouse while script was running: Mouse actions are blocked generally or by the frontmost application. You might try to run the SikuliX stuff as admin.

Another symptom is that your mouse will not move, and if it moves (there are random instances when the mouse moves), it will not click, so your test will fail. 

Setting UAC to the lowest level (not to notify the user) will reduce the instances of MMC dialogs. This does not mean that UAC is turned off, just that it does not have any unnecessary popup when your tests are being run (or you will have to take care of them in your test scripts).

## Differences With Other Similiar Sikuli Libraries
* Robot Remote Library technology is used, different client part program languages are supported
* Do not plan to expose sikuli api to Robot Framework directly. All sikuli api are encapsulated as Keywords.
* Wait functionality is added for each operations
          public void click(String image) throws Exception{
              wait(image, Double.toString(this.timeout));
              try {
              catch (FindFailed e) {
                  throw new ScreenOperationException("Click "+image+" failed"+e.getMessage(), e);