Everything you love about worldPing is now available with the new synthetic monitoring feature in Grafana Cloud, plus you’ll get reduced complexity and all the benefits of Grafana Cloud.
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Raintank probe package written in GO.
The raintank-probe provides the execution of periodic network performance tests including HTTP checks, DNS and Ping. The results of each test are then transfered back to the Raintank API where they are processed and inserted into a timeseries database.
Install the probe application - 4 options
a.) Use Deb Package. Available for Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Debian Jessie
curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/raintank/raintank/script.deb.sh | sudo bash
apt-get install raintank-probe
log-level = 2
name = <PROBE Name>
server-url = wss://worldping-api.raintank.io/
tsdb-url = https://tsdb-gw.raintank.io/
api-key = <Your Grafana.net ApiKey>
service raintank-probe start
b.) Use RPM Package. Avalailable for Centos 6 and Centos 7 (and compatilble distrobutions.)
curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/raintank/raintank/script.rpm.sh | sudo bash
yum install raintank-probe
log-level = 2
name = <PROBE Name>
server-url = wss://worldping-api.raintank.io/
tsdb-url = https://tsdb-gw.raintank.io/
api-key = <Your Grafana.net ApiKey>
service raintank-probe start
c.) Use the Docker image.
docker run -e RTPROBE_API_KEY=<Your Grafana.net ApiKey> -e RTPROBE_NAME=<PROBE name> raintank/raintank-probe
d.) Manual build of Raintank probe (Great for those wishing to test and contribute)
Download the src and dependencies (you need to have Golang >= 1.13 downloaded and installed)
git clone https://github.com/raintank/raintank-probe
cd raintank-probe/cmd/raintank-probe
go install -ldflags "-X main.GitHash=$(git describe --long --always)"
Create a config with the probe name created in step 1 and the ApiKey created in step 2.
log-level = 2
name = <PROBE Name>
server-url = wss://worldping-api.raintank.io/
tsdb-url = https://tsdb-gw.raintank.io/
api-key = <Your Grafana.net ApiKey>
Then start the app.
raintank-probe -config <path to your config>