rajanrahman / Distortion-Flanger-VST-

Using the JUCE framework for audio plugins, I composed of my own VST to assist in making unique sounds in my side hobby of music production. This VST is suppose to modify the particular sound, emulating Jimi Hendrix's interpretation of The Star Spangled Banner (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgyGJl_xm6o). This VST in still in development as I am testing out different audio processing methods of achieving my ideal sound.
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Using the JUCE framework for audio plugins, I composed of my own VST to assist in making unique sounds in my side hobby of music production. This VST is suppose to modify the particular sound, emulating Jimi Hendrix's interpretation of The Star Spangled Banner (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgyGJl_xm6o). This VST in still in development as I am testing out different audio processing methods of achieving my ideal sound.