rajetic / auto_oculus_touch

Tools to allow AutoHotKey to read the state of the Oculus Touch controllers.
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AutoOculusTouch - Helper library to provide AutoHotKey with Oculus Touch state. Copyright (C) 2021 Kojack (rajetic@gmail.com)

AutoOculusTouch is released under the MIT License

AutoOculusTouch is a library and script for AutoHotKey. It allows you to read the state of oculus controller devices (Touch, Remote or XBox controller) from within an AutoHotKey script.

Prerequisites You must have AutoHotKey installed. It is available from https://autohotkey.com (AutoOculusTouch is tested against AutoHotKey version If you want vJoy support, you must have it installed. It is available from http://vjoystick.sourceforge.net/site/index.php/download-a-install (AutoOculusTouch is tested against vJoy version 2.1.8)

Change History v0.1.1 - Initial release. Built against Oculus SDK 1.10 v0.1.2 - Added capacitive sensor support. Built against Oculus SDK 1.20 v0.1.3 - Changed initialisation to use Invisible mode. Added button comments to example script. v0.1.4 - Added vibration. Added orientation tracking (yaw, pitch, roll) for touch. More example scripts. Built against Oculus SDK 1.26 v0.1.5 - Added vJoy integration. You can now output gamepad/joystick values for axes and buttons. v0.1.6 - The vJoy installer has a slightly higher version than the latest vJoy sdk, which breaks compatibility. I've updated it so it should work again. I've added in the Oculus and vJoy sdk files needed to compile, some people had issues setting things up. It should be fairly self contained now. Built against Oculus SDK 1.41. I've improved the vJoy script to have all buttons. v0.1.7 - Added new functions to get axis and button values. Added position tracking for controllers and headset. Added headset rotation. Added tracking origin control (floor or eye). Changed vibration to take a length to play an effect for (replaces oneShot parameter). Updated the example scripts. Changed main auto_oculus_touch.ahk script to use faster DLLCall system. Added error messageboxes for init of oculus and vjoy. Added raw mouse movement and buttons, for games made with Unity that ignore normal AHK mouse. Updated Oculus SDK to v23.

Installation AutoOculusTouch can be placed anywhere. No explicit installation is required. There are several files included in the AutoOculusTouch binary release:

You should keep these files together. The auto_oculus_touch.dll should be in the same location as any scripts you want to run.

Running To start AutoOculusTouch, double click on one of the scripts (not auto_oculus_touch.ahk, it doesn't do anything on it's own). A green icon with a white H should appear in your system tray. AutoOculusTouch is now running.

Customising The provided scripts has some example behaviour already defined. You can change any of this, or make your own.

AutoOculusTouch can give you:

Vibration Use Vibration has 3 properties: frequency, amplitude and oneshot. Frequency: 1==320Hz, 2==160Hz, 3==106.7Hz, 4=80Hz (this is the frequency of vibration) Amplitude: 0-255 (0 stops vibration, 1-255 are the strength)

Orientation Use Yaw: clockwise is positive Pitch: aiming up is positive Roll: tilting clockwise is positive Yaw works a little different to the other two angles. Pitch and roll have definite zero angles that make sense (holding the controller level). But yaw is based on where the controller is aiming when powered on. To fix this, you can call ResetFacing(controllerNumber) to record the current direction as a Yaw of 0 degrees. Each controller may have a different Yaw origin.

vJoy Support Normally AutoHotKey can only generate keyboard and mouse events. vJoy is a driver that emulates one or more virtual joysticks with configurable features. AutoOculusTouch can now send analog axis and digital button values to vJoy. This lets you use Touch (or the remote) as a gamepad in games that support DirectInput. Note: while most of the controls match an XBox controller, it technically isn't one. Any game that uses XInput directly can't see vJoy. Only DirectInput games will work here.

To use vJoy support, you need to install the vJoy drivers. You can download them from here: http://vjoystick.sourceforge.net/site/index.php/download-a-install If you don't want vJoy support, you don't need to install the drivers, this is an optional feature, AutoOculusTouch works like v0.1.4 without it.

Important Notes (v0.1.2 and below) Due to the way the Oculus SDK works, running AutoOculusTouch will make Oculus Home or Dash think that a VR application is running that isn't rendering. The original intent was for AutoOculusTouch to run when no headset is being worn, such as using the Oculus Remote for controlling a PC for media playback, so this didn't matter. Running both AutoOculusTouch and another VR application at the same time probably shouldn't work, but it currently seems to.

What does this mean? Well, Oculus Home and Dash refuse to run a VR app while another is already running. But you can still run multiple apps at once if you start them using a means besides Home or Dash (such as explorer).

(v0.1.3 and above) The note above is no longer valid in these versions. By setting the Invisible flag when calling the oculus sdk, AutoOculusTouch no longer appears to Dash as a VR app. This means it won't make the headset show a never ending loading screen and other VR apps can be run from Dash without an error.

(v0.1.7 and above) New ways to access buttons and triggers have been added. You no longer need to grab the full buttons state and do boolean maths on them. You also no longer need to store previous trigger values to check of crossing over a value, there's a function for that. The old way is still available existing scripts should work the same.

Different Headset Behaviour Different Oculus headsets behave differently when not being worn (having the face sensor triggered). This is the Oculus SDK's behaviour, not Auto Oculus Touch. Rift CV1 - When not worn for around 18 seconds, position tracking is disabled. Rotation tracking continues, but is purely IMU based (instead of the cameras) so the yaw can drift over time. Rift-S - When not worn for around 18 seconds, position tracking, rotation tracking and vibration is disabled. Buttons, triggers and thumbsticks keep working. Quest 1/2 Link - When not worn for around 16 seconds, everything stops. No tracking, buttons, etc. The controllers are completely shut down.

You can trick the headset into running by placing something (like a cloth) over the face sensor (just above the lenses, in the middle). But be warned, when it is triggered, all controls will be picked up by the Home app. You may be accidentally clicking on things (like the store!). I have plans to fix this, but it means adding rendering to AOT.

Function Reference





IsDown(button), IsPressed(button), IsReleased(button)

IsTouchDown(button), IsTouchPressed(button), IsTouchReleased(button)

GetButtonsDown(), GetButtonsPressed(), GetButtonsReleased()

GetTouchDown(), GetTouchPressed(), GetTouchReleased()


Reached(axis, threshold) -Check if an analog axis has crossed over a threshold value since the last Poll(). -axis: one of the axis enums from auto_oculus_touch.ahk, such as AxisIndexTriggerLeft. -threshold: value that triggers an activation. -Returns: If the axis went from below threshold to equal or greater, returns 1. If the axis went from greater or equal to the threshold to below, returns -1. If the threshold wasn't crossed since the last Poll(), returns 0.

GetTrigger(hand, trigger)

GetThumbStick(hand, axis)









SetvJoyAxis(axis, value)

SetvJoyAxisU(axis, value)

SetvJoyButton(button, value)

SendRawMouseMove(x, y, z)

SendRawMouseButtonDown(button), SendRawMouseButtonUp(button)

Vibrate(controller, frequency, amplitude, length)

Simple Starting Script

include auto_oculus_touch.ahk

Loop {
    ; Do your stuff here.
    Sleep, 10