rajivbammi / node-social-authenticator

MIT License
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Social Authenticator Demo

Starter project for the Social Authenticator. The purpose of this is to implement the following Passport authentication strategies: local, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Google.




Optional: Implement "sign in", "timeline", "compose", "share", "like" and "reply" for Facebook Optional: The current signed in user will be persisted across server restarts Optional: When composing, user can select to which networks to post. Optional: User can click a post and view it on a separate page with controls to share, like, and reply. Optional: User should be able to unshare their posts. Optional: User should be able to delete their posts. Optional: Replies should be prefixed with the username and link to the conversation thread. Optional: User can click a "Next" button at the bottom to load more


walkthrough.gif (walkthrough.gif) ![https://github.com/rajivbammi/node-social-authenticator/blob/master/walkthrough.gif]

Video Walkthrough https://github.com/rajivbammi/node-social-authenticator/blob/master/walkthrough.gif