rakles / matrix-lock

a GitHub Action that allows for sequential execution of matrix runners by utilizing the artifact system to share a lock
MIT License
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github-actions matrix sequentialization synchronization

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Matrix Lock

allows job sequencing within matrix workflows with controlled execution

![MIT License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/rakles/matrix-lock)


Matrix Lock is a GitHub Action designed to control the execution order of jobs in GitHub Action workflows, especially when dealing with matrix builds that need to run certain jobs sequentially. It ensures that only one job proceeds at a time based on a predefined order, thus preventing race conditions and conflicts.

How it Works

The action utilizes a lock file mechanism to manage workflow concurrency. It works in three main steps:

  1. Initialization (init): Establishes the order in which jobs should execute.
  2. Waiting (wait): Jobs check the lock file and wait for their turn to proceed.
  3. Continuation (continue): A job moves itself to the next position, allowing the subsequent job to proceed.



Workflow Configuration

To use the Matrix Lock action in your workflow, add a step that uses this action in your .github/workflows YAML file.

Here is an example snippet showing how to use this action in your workflow:

          - id: some-id-1
            name: "Job 1"
          - id: some-id-2
            name: "Job 2"
    - name: "Checkout repository"
      uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: "Initialize matrix lock"
      if: matrix.id == some-id-1
      uses: rakles/matrix-lock@v1
        step: init
        order: "some-id-1,some-id-2"

    - name: "Wait for matrix lock"
      uses: rakles/matrix-lock@v1
        step: wait
        id: ${{ matrix.id }}

    # Your job steps go here

    - name: "Continue matrix lock"
      uses: rakles/matrix-lock@v1
        step: continue
        id: ${{ matrix.id }}

In this example: