raleng / nmf

Non-negative matrix factorization using MUR, ANLS, ADMM or AO-ADMM.
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Non-negative Matrix Factorization

This package implements four ways to compute a non-negative matrix factorization of a 2D non-negative numpy array.

  1. Multiplicative update rules (MUR)
  2. Alternating non-negative least squares (ANLS)
  3. Alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM)
  4. Alternating optimization ADMM (AO-ADMM)


Compute factorization

Given non-negative data and the number of components you want the dataset to factorize into, you simply create an NMF instance and use the factorize method to compute the factorization.

$ from nmf import NMF
$ nmf = NMF(data, components)
$ nmf.factorize(method='mur', **method_args)

You can directly access the factors nmf.w and nmf.h.


If you want to save the results to a file, you can use the save_factorization method. The default folder to save is ./results and the default file name is constructed using the parameters used in the factorization.



Following the papers:

Accepts following method parameters:


Following the papers:

Accepts following method parameters:


Following the papers:

Accepts following method parameters:


Following the papers:

Accepts following method parameters: