ram-sharma-6453 / email-mime-parser

A mime4j based simplified email mime parser for java
Apache License 2.0
46 stars 16 forks source link


A mime4j based simplified email mime parser for java

Internet Message Format RFC 822 (and later revisions RFC 2822, RFC 5322, RFC 2183, RFC 2184) and others.

The provided email parser is based on Mime4j (https://james.apache.org/mime4j/index.html)


Add the following dependencies to your project:

For maven project :


For gradle project :

compile([group: 'tech.blueglacier', name: 'email-mime-parser', version: '1.0.5'])

Sample code :

ContentHandler contentHandler = new CustomContentHandler();

MimeConfig mime4jParserConfig = MimeConfig.DEFAULT;
BodyDescriptorBuilder bodyDescriptorBuilder = new DefaultBodyDescriptorBuilder();
MimeStreamParser mime4jParser = new MimeStreamParser(mime4jParserConfig,DecodeMonitor.SILENT,bodyDescriptorBuilder);

InputStream mailIn = 'Provide email mime stream here';

Email email = ((CustomContentHandler) contentHandler).getEmail();

List<Attachment> attachments =  email.getAttachments();

Attachment calendar = email.getCalendarBody();
Attachment htmlBody = email.getHTMLEmailBody();
Attachment plainText = email.getPlainTextEmailBody();

String to = email.getToEmailHeaderValue();
String cc = email.getCCEmailHeaderValue();
String from = email.getFromEmailHeaderValue();

For more info check the test case file 'src\test\java\tech\blueglacier\parser\ParserTest.java'