rammazzoti2000 / restaurant_page

The main goal of this project is for the student to show the understanding of the benefits of modularized code as well as the ability to set up a JavaScript application made of different modules using WebPack.
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link
javascript microverse-projects odin-project restaurant-website vanilla-js

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JavaScript --> [Restaurant Page]

This project is part of the Microverse curriculum in JavaScript module!
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About The Project

This project comes after the introduction of the ES6 class keyword, ES6 modules, and WebPack. The main goal of this project is for the student to show the understanding of the benefits of modularized code as well as the ability to set up a JavaScript application made of different modules using WebPack.


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👤 Alexandru Bangau

:handshake: Contributing

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Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.