rammpeter / jarbler

MIT License
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# Jarbler

Pack a Ruby application into an executable jar file.

Jarbler creates a self executing Java jar file containing a Ruby application and all its Gem dependencies.

This tool is inspired by the widely used JRuby runner Warbler. The configured Ruby program is directly executed inside the JVM using the JRuby runtime jars.


Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:

$ bundle add jarbler --group "development"

If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:

$ gem install jarbler

Gem Version


To create a jar file simply run "jarble" in your application's root directory.

$ jarble

To adjust Jarbler's configuration, modify the settings in config file ´config/jarble.rb´. The template for this config file you create by executing

$ jarble config


Run the created jar file

The jar file created by Jarbler can be executed by

$ java -jar <jar filename>

Additional command line parameters are passed through to the executed Ruby app (like "-p 8900" for different network port number with bin/rails)


The file config/jarble.rb contains the configuration for Jarbler. To create a template config file with information about all the supported configuration options, execute:

$ jarble config

The default configuration is focused on Ruby on Rails applications.

Configuration options

Option Default value Description
compile_ruby_files false Ahead of time compilation of all .rb files of application and Gem dependencies to .class files. Only store .class files in jar. Requires JRuby runtime.
executable "bin/rails" The ruby start file to run at execution of jar file. File extension .class is used automatically if start file is .rb and AOT compilation is used.
executable_params ["server", "-e", "production", "-p", "8080"] Command line parameters to be used for the ruby executable
excludes_from_compile [] The files and dirs of the project to exclude from the compilation of .rb files. Paths specifies the location in the jar file (e.g. ["app_root/file.rb"] )
excludes ["tmp/cache", "tmp/pids", ...] (see generated template file for whole content) The files and dirs of the project to exclude from the include option
includes ["app", "bin", "config", ...] (see generated template file for whole content) The files and dirs of the project to include in the jar file
jar_name < Name of project dir >.jar The name of the generated jar file
jruby_version A valid JRuby version from file '.ruby-version' or the current most recent version of the Gem 'jruby-jars' The version of the JRuby runtime to use


Possible error messages


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/rammpeter/jarbler.
Any feedback about usage experience or missing features is also appreciated.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.