ramn / metrics_cloudwatch

CloudWatch emitter for the metrics crate
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feat: Update the metrics crate to 0.15 #30

Closed Marwes closed 3 years ago

Marwes commented 3 years ago


Users should update their metrics version to 0.15 or metrics will not be reported

bergmark commented 3 years ago

What about @ramn's suggestion

Could let metrics_cloudwatch builder take a function pointer to https://docs.rs/metrics/0.14.2/metrics/fn.set_boxed_recorder.html and use that to initialize. That should give us a compilation error when metrics_cloudwatch tries to pass in a Recorder from the wrong crate.

These updates will still be breaking changes then, but at least they will be API breaking instead of runtime breaking.

ramn commented 3 years ago

Do you usually do version/changelog updates separately?

I think Markus uses https://github.com/sunng87/cargo-release

bergmark commented 3 years ago

No, i approved it