ramn / metrics_cloudwatch

CloudWatch emitter for the metrics crate
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Provide a backend for the metrics facade crate, pushing metrics to CloudWatch.

How to use

Credentials for AWS needs to be available in the environment, see AWS docs on setting up AWS credentials

cargo add -s metrics metrics_cloudwatch
fn main() {
    // Initialize the backend

    metrics::counter!("requests", 1);

Any labels specified will map to Cloudwatch dimensions

metrics::histogram!("histogram", 100.0, "dimension_name" => "dimension_value");

Specifying the empty string for the value will remove the default dimension of the same name from the metric.

metrics::histogram!("histogram", 100.0, "dimension_name" => "");

The special @unit label accepts a metrics_cloudwatch::Unit which specifies the unit for the metric (the unit can also be specified when registering the metric). Other @ prefixed labels are ignored.

metrics::histogram!("histogram", 100.0, "@unit" => metrics_cloudwatch::Unit::Seconds);


The CloudWatch metrics API imposes some limitations.