rancher / gke-operator

Apache License 2.0
12 stars 22 forks source link

Nightly e2e tests


The GKE operator is a controller for Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) that manages cluster provisioning in Google Kubernetes Engine. It uses a GKEClusterConfig defined by a CRD.


Operator binary can be built using the following command:

    make operator

Deploy operator from source

You can use the following command to deploy a Kind cluster with Rancher manager and operator:

    make kind-deploy-operator

After this, you can also scale down operator deployment and run it from a local binary.


To run unit tests use the following command:

    make test


We run e2e tests after every merged PR and periodically every 24 hours. They are triggered by a Github action

For running e2e tests:

  1. Set GKE_PROJECT_ID and GKE_CREDENTIALS environment variables:
    export GKE_PROJECT_ID="replace-with-your-value"
    export GKE_CREDENTIALS=$( cat /path/to/gke-credentials.json )
  1. and finally run:
    make kind-e2e-tests

This will setup a kind cluster locally, and the e2e tests will be run against where it will:

* deploy rancher and cert-manager
* deploy gke operator and operator CRD charts
* create gke credentials secret
* create a cluster in GKE
* wait for cluster to be ready
* clean up cluster

Once e2e tests are completed, the local kind cluster can also be deleted by running:

    make delete-local-kind-cluster


When should I release?

A KEv2 operator should be released if:

How do I release?

Tag the latest commit on the master branch. For example, if latest tag is:

# Get the latest upstream changes
# Note: `upstream` must be the remote pointing to `git@github.com:rancher/gke-operator.git`.
git pull upstream master --tags

# Export the tag of the release to be cut, e.g.:
export RELEASE_TAG=v1.1.3-rc2

# Create tags locally
git tag -s -a ${RELEASE_TAG} -m ${RELEASE_TAG}

# Push tags
# Note: `upstream` must be the remote pointing to `git@github.com:rancher/gke-operator.git`.
git push upstream ${RELEASE_TAG}

After pushing the release tag, you need to run 2 Github Actions. You can find them in the Actions tab of the repo:

How do I unRC?

unRC is the process of removing the rc from a KEv2 operator tag and means the released version is stable and ready for use. Release the KEv2 operator but instead of bumping the rc, remove the rc. For example, if the latest release of GKE operator is: