rancher / support-bundle-kit

A toolkit to generate and analyze the support bundles for Kubernetes and Kubernetes-native applications
Apache License 2.0
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Could we get kubectl into the image? #118

Open Martin-Weiss opened 2 weeks ago

Martin-Weiss commented 2 weeks ago

When running the simulator in a docker or podman container - it would be great if we "just" could exec into that container and use kubectl directly.

For this it would be nice to have the kubectl binary in the image..

-> would that be possible to be added?

Martin-Weiss commented 2 weeks ago

Here is what I am doing:

mkdir /root/x

copy the supportbundle into that path and extract it

mkdir /root/x/sim

docker run -v /root/x/sim:/tmp/sim -v /root/x/supportbundle_31d93373-1ebd-4086-88bd-111d6b25c2da_2024-07-05T08-58-20Z/:/mnt -it rancher/support-bundle-kit:master-head /usr/bin/support-bundle-kit simulator --bundle-path=/mnt --sim-home /tmp/sim

then exit the container with ctrl-p / ctrl-q and do another docker exec -it <container> sh

Now it would be great if we could use kubectl directly in that container..

My workaround is to do a docker cp kubectl <container>:/ and use this - but if kubectl would be included already - it would be somewhat easier..