rancher / support-bundle-kit

A toolkit to generate and analyze the support bundles for Kubernetes and Kubernetes-native applications
Apache License 2.0
17 stars 28 forks source link
cloud-native k8s kubernetes

Support Bundle Kit Build Status

working in progress

This project contains support bundle scripts and utilities for applications running on top of Kubernetes

Support bundle contents

The Harvester support bundle is structured as the following layout:

- [logs]            # pod logs, organized by namespaces
  - [namespace1]
    - [pod1]
     - container1.log
    - [pod2]
  - [namespace2]
    - [pod1]

- [yamls]           # definition of resources
  - [cluster]        # cluster scope
    - [kubernetes]    # Kubernetes resources
      - nodes.yaml
      - volumeattachments.yaml
      - nodemetrics.yaml
    - [harvester]     # Harvester custom resources
      - settings.yaml
      - users.yaml
  - [namespaced]     # namespaced scope
    - [default]       # namespace `default`
      - [kubernetes]   # Kubernetes resources
        - pods.yaml
        - jobs.yaml
        - ...
      - [harvester]    # Harvester custom resources
        - keypairs.yaml
        - virtualmachineimages.yaml
        - ...
      - [cdi]          # cdi.kubevirt.io custom resources
        - datavolumes.yaml
      - [kubevirt]     # kubevirt.io custom resources
        - virtualmachines.yaml
        - virtualmachineinstancemigrations.yaml
        - ...
    - [harvester-system]
        - ...
    - [kube-system]
        - ...
    - [cattle-system]
        - ...

- [external]        # External support bundles
  - longhorn-support-bundle_d2f32c7f-6605-4a3b-8571-521856e64233_2021-05-05T03-28-37Z.zip

- [nodes1]          # Node support bundles
  - node1.zip
  - node2.zip
  - ...

Simulator command

The simulator command loads the contents of the support bundle into the apiserver, and updates the status of objects to reflect the contents of the support bundle.

The bundle-path should be the location of the extracted support bundle

The simulator command expects the following flags

  support-bundle-kit simulator [flags]

      --bundle-path string   location to support bundle. default is . (default ".")
  -h, --help                 help for simulator
      --reset                reset sim-home, will clear the contents and start a clean etcd + apiserver instance
      --sim-home string      default home directory where sim stores its configuration. default is $HOME/.sim (default "$HOME/.sim")
      --skip-load            skip load / re-load of bundle. this will ensure current etcd contents are only accessible

Known Issues: The following are known issues with the simulator at the moment:

Additional information can be found in the QuickStart Guide