rancher / tf-rancher-up

MIT License
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Deploy Rancher in your desired Kubernetes distribution
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Table of Contents

  1. About The Project
  2. Built With
  3. Getting Started
  4. Roadmap
  5. Contributing
  6. License
  7. Acknowledgments

About The Project

This repository comprises reusable terraform modules to deploy Rancher, a complete software stack for teams adopting containers, on a Kubernetes cluster provisioned in any of the infrastructure/cloud platforms(AWS/VMware/Azure/GCP/DigitalOcean). Provisioning can be customized using different Kubernetes distributions(RKE/RKE2/K3S/EKS/AKS/GKE) and will be here by referred to as recipes. We can deploy upstream Kubernetes (cluster used only for running Rancher), deploy Rancher and Downstream Kubernetes (cluster used for workloads) using these terraform modules by stitching together various recipes.

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Built With

Most of the codebase is using HCL(Hashicorp Configuration Language) and some portion is using cloud-init and bash scripts.

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Getting Started

To get started you can clone the git repository to a desired location in your local or remote computer.

  git clone  git@github.com:rancherlabs/tf-rancher-up.git



Git should be installed on the local or remote computer which is used for cloning the repository as mentioned above. Git comes installed by default on most Mac and Linux machines . Please refer the git installation guide here if you need help.

Git clone can be performed only after setting up the required ssh keys. Please refer here if you need help on this.


Terraform should be installed on your local or remote computer where the repository is cloned. Please refer here for installation instructions.

What's next

Once you clone the repository please go to the desired recipes path and start configuring required environmental variables for your platform. Please refer the README under recipes for details about how to start provisioning.


See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

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Check out this file for all the information about how you can contribute to this project.

Naming convention

Example: tkt vs ticket, ct vs count.


See the example of the Regions.

Justify the opposite if necessary.

Providing just the Cloud credentials.

Almost a copy-paste of variables.tf from Module to Recipe.


See existing modules.

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