randlab / geone

DeeSse interface, utilities and examples
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Package GEONE

GEONE is a python package providing a set of tools for geostatistical and multiple-point statistics modeling, comprising:


git clone https://github.com/randlab/geone.git
cd geone
pip install .

Note: use pip install . --verbose or pip install . -v for printing (more) messages during the installation.

Remove geone

pip uninstall -y geone

Note: first remove the directory 'geone.egg-info' from the current directory (if present).


Do not launch python from the directory where the installation has been done (with pip), otherwise import geone will fail.


The following python packages are used by GEONE (tested on python 3.11.5):

Important notes

DEESSE - Introduction

DEESSE is a parallel software for multiple point statistics (MPS) simulations. MPS allows to generate random fields reproducing the spatial statistics -- within and between variable(s) -- of a training data set (TDS). DEESSE follows an approach based on the direct sampling of the TDS. The simulation grid is sequentially populated by values borrowed from the TDS, selected after a random search for similar patterns. Many features are handled by DEESSE and illustrated in the proposed examples below.

DEESSE can also be used for 3D simulation based on 2D TDS which give the spatial statistics in sections (slices) of the 3D simulation domain. (More generally, 1D or 2D TDS can be used for higher dimensional simulation.) The principle consists in filling the simulation domain by successively simulating sections (according the the given orientation) conditionally to the sections previously simulated. A wrapper for this approach (named DEESSEX referring to crossing-simulation / X-simulation with DEESSE) is proposed in the package GEONE.


Some modules in the package GEONE can be run as a script ('__main__' scope) and provide examples by this way.

Various examples are provided (notebooks in 'examples' directory) to get started with GEONE, as described below.

Images and point sets in geone

DEESSE Examples

Multiple-point statistics - simulation using the DEESSE wrapper:

DEESSEX Examples

Multiple-point statistics - X-simulation using the DEESSEX wrapper:

General use for multiGaussian estimation and simulation in a grid

Examples - Gaussian random fields in a grid (GRF)

Examples - Simulation and estimation with kriging in a grid (GeosClassic wrapper)

Examples - Variogram analysis tools and kriging:

Examples - Pluri-Gaussian simulation

Examples - Ohter algorithms based on random processes

Some references about DEESSE

Reference about DEESSEX

Some references about GRF