rankingsio / 2021-ctr-study

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CTR Study for Rankings.io

This is the Github repository for the CTR Study done for Rankings.io.

:pencil: The full data report can be found here.
:hammer: The study was conducted with the statistical programming language R.
:bar_chart: The code for the analysis and plots.
:page_facing_up: The collected data can be found here, and the study plan here

:sparkles: Contributors:

File structure

+-- plots                 <- Some plots (not all final)
+-- proc_data             <- Processed data, used for the analysis
+-- raw_data              <- Raw data  
\-- rmd                   <- R markdown documents
    +-- 01_read.Rmd       <- Script to read in raw data and do basic cleaning   
    +-- 02_analysis.Rmd   <- main analysis, advanced cleaning, data modeling and polishing charts 
    +-- 03_final.Rmd      <- final file with polished graphs and results description for client 
    +-- 04_convert_pdfs_to_pngs.Rmd <- not used
    +-- 03_final_files/figure-html  <- figures as PNG
\-- scripts               <- scripts folder for everything else. 
    +-- render_upload.R   <- uploading final HTML file to website
+-- doc                   <- not used    
+-- study_name.Rproj
+-- README.md             