raphaeldussin / ESMPy3

ESMPy wrapper for ESMF python3-compatible
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           Earth System Modeling Framework Python Interface (ESMPy)

Earth System Modeling Framework Python Interface Copyright 2002-2016, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA License.


HI, welcome to ESMPy :)

ESMPy is a Python interface to the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) regridding utility. ESMF is software for building and coupling weather, climate, and related models. ESMF has a robust, parallel and scalable remapping package, used to generate remapping weights. It can handle a wide variety of grids and options: logically rectangular grids and unstructured meshes; regional or global grids; 2D or 3D; and pole and masking options. ESMF also has capabilities to read grid information from NetCDF files in a variety of formats, including the evolving Climate and Forecast (CF) GridSpec and UGRID conventions.

ESMPy supports a single-tile logically rectangular discretization type called Grid and an unstructured discretization type called Mesh (ESMF also supports observational data streams). ESMPy supports bilinear, finite element patch recovery and first-order conservative regridding. There is also an option to ignore unmapped destination points and mask out points on either the source or destination. Regridding on the sphere takes place in 3D Cartesian space, so the pole problem is not an issue as it commonly is with many Earth system grid remapping softwares. Grid and Mesh objects can be created in 2D or 3D space, and 3D first-order conservative regridding is fully supported. Future plans for ESMPy involve the incorporation of observational data streams.

Regridding, also called remapping or interpolation, is the process of changing the grid underneath field data values while preserving the qualities of the original data. Different kinds of transformations are appropriate for different problems. Regridding may be needed when communicating data between Earth system model components such as land and atmosphere, or between different data sets to support analysis or visualization.

Regridding can be broken into two stages. The first stage is generation of an interpolation weight matrix that describes how points in the source grid contribute to points in the destination grid. The second stage is the multiplication of values on the source grid by the interpolation weight matrix to produce the appropriate values on the destination grid. ESMPy provides access to both stages through two separate interfaces.

There are many different interpolation methods, suitable for different problems. In ESMPy, the basic bilinear option is a two dimensional variant of linear interpolation. The higher order patch recovery is a second degree polynomial regridding method, which uses a least squares algorithm to calculate the polynomial. The first-order conservative regridding is a variant of a constant method which compares the proportions of overlapping source and destination cells to determine appropriate weights. All of these methods can be broken down to a simple sparse matrix multiplication operation between interpolation weights and data values.


The "REQUIREMENTS" section below will give information on the software requirements.

The "INSTALLATION" section gives directions on how to install ESMPy. (If you just downloaded the ESMF tarball, it is source code and you will have to build the ESMF library first.)

The "USE" section below will give information on how to import this package.

The "VALIDATION" section below will give information on how to test the package.

The "LIMITATIONS" section has helpful information on which capabilities can be expected from the current ESMPy functionality.

The "MORE HELP" section will give you links to more documentation and other information about the ESMF project.

Documentation for the ESMPy library can also be found by running 'pydoc ESMF' from the terminal prompt in the top level ESMPy directory.

Please contact esmf_support@list.woc.noaa.gov with any questions or problems.


The ESMPy package should include the following files:

-- LICENSE - University of Illinois-NCSA License

-- README - this file

-- setup.py - standard Python build file

-- doc directory - contains all Sphinx documentation files

-- examples directory - iPython script examples -- init.py - package init file -- hello_world.py - simple hello world example -- grid_create_from_file.py - grid creation from file -- mesh_create_from_file.py - mesh creation from file -- grid_mesh_regrid.py - grid to mesh bilinear regridding -- tripole_regrid.py - conservative regridding between a GRIDSPEC and a tripole grid using masking -- ungridded_dimension_regrid.py - conservative regridding with extra field dimesions for time and vertical levels -- exampletest.py - examples test class -- run_examples.py - script to run all examples -- run_examples_dryrun.py - script to download files required for examples

-- src directory -- ESMF directory -- init.py - package init file -- api directory -- init.py - package init file -- array.py - MaskedArray base class for Field -- constants.py - global constants -- esmpymanager.py - Manager class -- field.py - Field class -- grid.py - Grid class -- mesh.py - Mesh class -- regrid.py - Regrid class

-- fragments directory
  -- extras.py - ESMPy routines that are not currently part of the ESMPy package
  -- remap.py - interface to ESMF_RegridWeightGen application

-- interface directory
  -- cbindings.py - ctypes bindings to ESMF C interface
  -- loadESMF.py - script to load the ESMF shared library

-- test directory
  -- __init__.py - package init file
  -- base.py - base class to hold utility test functions
  -- base_test.py - testing of the base class
  -- run_alltest.py - unit test run utility
  -- test_cbindings.py - tests of the "glue" layer to the ESMF c interface

    -- regrid_from_file directory
      -- __init__.py - package init file
      -- read_test_cases_from_control_file.py - utility to read test cases from file
      -- regrid_check.py - Regrid testing program
      -- regrid_check_driver.py - Driver program for regrid testing
      -- regrid_from_file_consts.py - utility constants
      -- regrid_test_data.txt - text file contains regridding test configurations
      -- run_regrid_from_file.py - regrid test run utility
      -- run_regrid_from_file_dryrun.py - regrid test dryrun utility

    -- test_api
      -- __init__.py - package init file
      -- grid_utilities.py - utility functions for grids
      -- mesh_utilities.py - utility functions for meshes
      -- test_array.py - array tests
      -- test_field.py - field tests
      -- test_grid.py - grid tests
      -- test_mesh.py - mesh tests
      -- test_regrid.py - regrid tests

-- util directory
  -- __init__.py - package init file
  -- decorators.py - decorators for special functions
  -- exceptions.py - warning and exception classes



The following packages are required to work with ESMPy:

-- ESMF installation - http://www.earthsystemmodeling.org/esmf_releases/last/ESMF_usrdoc -- python - http://python.org/ -- numpy - http://numpy.scipy.org/

The following packages are optional:

-- mpi4py - python bindings to MPI, needed to run the parallel regridding tests -- ESMF installation with NetCDF - required to create grids and meshes from file


Installation of ESMPy requires a pointer to a file named esmf.mk inside of an ESMF installation. This file resides in a directory which looks like:

/lib/libO>//esmf.mk If the ESMFMKFILE flag is set when building ESMPy then it will not need to be referenced again. If not, an environment variable of the same name must be set with the path to the esmf.mk file EVERY time that a new shell is initiated. The ESMPy build can be installed in a custom location using the --prefix, --home, or --install-base flags to the install command. If this is done, then this location needs to be added to the PYTHONPATH environment variable in the user's shell EVERY time that a new shell is initiated. If a customized install location is not specified, ESMPy will be installed in the standard Python package installation directory on that particular machine. Note: The ESMPy build does not have to be installed to be used. The PYTHONPATH environment variable can simply be pointed to the directory containing the ESMF module (esmf/src/addon/ESMPy/src from a default git clone) after the build command. As usual, any command followed by --help should print out some information on what options are available. An installation of ESMPy in the default location for Python packages can be done with the following command issued from the top level ESMPy directory: - default Python package installation: python setup.py build --ESMFMKFILE= install - custom install location: python setup.py build --ESMFMKFILE= python setup.py install --prefix= setenv PYTHONPATH /lib/*/site_packages Please contact esmf_support@list.woc.noaa.gov with any questions or problems. USE: ---- To use this package in an external program, import it with: import ESMF VALIDATION: ----------- The setup.py file can be used to run subsets of the tests individually, like this: python setup.py test python setup.py test_examples python setup.py test_regrid_from_file python setup.py test_parallel python setup.py test_examples_parallel python setup.py test_regrid_from_file_parallel NOTE: The regrid_from_file tests can take up a lot of memory and bandwidth. The "test_regrid_from_file_dryrun" command will simply download the test files without actually running them (allowing the stress on the machine to be applied to bandwidth first, and then memory). Alternatively, if the nose package is available, the tests can be run with: nosetests Individual tests can be run with nose using the following format: nosetests : e.g. nosetests src/ESMF/test/test_api/test_regrid.py:TestRegrid.test_grid_mesh_regrid ================================================================================ LIMITATIONS: ------------ ESMPy doesn't include many aspects of ESMF, including components, array interfaces, time management, etc. The limitations listed here are relative to ESMF offline and integrated regridding capabilities. - There is no FieldBundle class, only single Fields. - There is no support for multi-tile Grids. - ESMPy cannot use an ESMF installation that is built with external LAPACK support. - Conservative regridding with a source Mesh created from file is not supported, because the Mesh cannot retrieve coordinates from the elements. Testing related: - Nightly regression testing is limited to a small subset of the ESMF test platforms, including Darwin and Linux running gfortran with openMPI. ================================================================================ MORE HELP: ---------- The ESMPy home page has all of the latest information on the ESMPy project including release notes, known bugs, supported platforms, and download information. It can be found here: http://www.earthsystemcog.org/projects/esmpy/ Information about the ESMF project can be found at the ESMF web site: http://www.earthsystemmodeling.org The ESMF User's Guide contains information on building and installing ESMF. The ESMF Reference Manual contains information on the architecture of ESMF, example code, and details of the API (Application Programming Interface). For more information on the ESMF_RegridWeightGen application, see the ESMF Reference Manual: http://www.earthsystemmodeling.org/esmf_releases/last/ESMF_refdoc/node3.html Contributions from ESMF users are available at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/esmfcontrib Please contact esmf_support@list.woc.noaa.gov with any questions or problems. # $Id$