rapidjs / rapid.js

An ORM-like Interface and a Router For Your API Requests
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An ORM-like Interface and a Router For Your API Requests
Create simple, reusable, and cleaner wrappers, define custom routes, and more for your API requests.

Read the official docs at https://rapidjs.io.


Pick your poison:

yarn add rapid.js
npm i -S rapid.js
npm install --save rapid.js


Define Simple Models

const post = new Rapid({ modelName: 'Post' });

post.find(1).then((response) => {
    // GET => /api/post/1

post.collection.findBy('category', 'featured').then((response) => {
    // GET => /api/posts/category/featured

post.withParams({ limit: 20, order: 'desc' }).all().then((response) => {
    // GET => /api/posts?limit=20&order=desc

post.update(25, { title: 'Rapid JS Is Awesome!' })
    // POST => /api/posts/25/update

    // POST => /api/posts/9/destroy

    // POST => /api/posts/9/restore    

Read more about Rapid Basics.

Easily Customize Your API Requests

const post = new Rapid({
    modelName: 'Post',
    suffixes: {
        destroy: '',
        update: 'save'
    methods: {
        destroy: 'delete'
    trailingSlash: true

post.update(25, { title: 'Rapid JS Is Awesome!' })
    // POST => /api/posts/25/save/

    // DELETE => /api/posts/9/

Read more about Customizing Your Requests.

Create Reusable Base Models

class Base extends Rapid {
    boot () {
        this.baseURL = 'https://myapp.com/api';
        this.config.globalParameters = { key: 'MY_API_KEY' }

const photo = new Base({ modelName: 'Photo' });
const gallery = new Base({ modelName: 'Gallery' });
const tag = new Base({ modelName: 'Tag' });

    // GET => https://myapp.com/api/photo/1?key=MY_API_KEY

tag.collection.findBy('color', 'red')
    // GET => https://myapp.com/api/tags/color/red?key=MY_API_KEY

gallery.id(23).get('tags', 'nature')
    // GET => https://myapp.com/api/gallery/23/tag/nature?key=MY_API_KEY

Read more about Base Models.

Write API Wrappers For Your Endpoints

class GalleryWrapper extends Rapid {
    boot () {
        this.baseURL = 'https://myapp.com/gallery/api';
        this.modelName = 'Gallery';

    tagSearch (query) {
        return this.url('tagsearch').withParam('query', query);

    json () {
        return this.url('json');

const gallery = new GalleryWrapper({
    globalParameters: { key: 'MY_API_KEY' }

    // GET https://myapp.com/gallery/api/tagsearch/json?query=nature&key=MY_API_KEY
    // GET https://myapp.com/gallery/api/tagsearch/json?query=nature&key=MY_API_KEY

Read more about Making a Wrapper.

Define Custom Routes

const customRoutes = [
        name: 'web_get_user_preferences',
        type: 'get',
        url: '/user/preferences',

        name: 'web_save_user_preferences',
        type: 'post',
        url: '/user/{id}/save/preferences'

const router = new Rapid({ customRoutes, baseURL: '/api' });

router.route('web_get_user_preferences').then((response) => {}); 
// GET => /api/user/preferences

router.route('web_save_user_preferences', { id: 12 }, /* { request data } */).then((response) => {}); 
// POST => /api/user/12/save/preferences

Using Your Own HTTP Service

import http from 'some-http-service';

const customRoutes = [
        name: 'web_login',
        url: '/login'

        name: 'api_save_user_preferences',,
        url: '/user/{id}/save/preferences'

const rapid = new Rapid({ customRoutes, baseURL: '' });

// returns '/login'

// use your own service
http.post(rapid.generate('api_save_user_preferences', { id: 1 }), { data }).then()...

Read more about Custom Routes.

Read the official docs at https://rapidjs.io.