rapidpro / rapidpro-docker

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RapidPro Docker

Build Status Docker Version

This repository's sole purpose is to build docker images versioned off of git tags published in rapidpro/rapidpro and upload them to Docker Hub.

The idea is:

  1. Set up Travis Cron job to run every 24 hours
  2. The Travis build script should download the latest rapidpro/rapidpro tagged release matching ^v[0-9\.]$
  3. Build the docker image and tag with the latest git tag.
  4. Push the docker image to Docker hub using credentials stored in Travis' secrets vault.

Running RapidPro in Docker

To run the latest cutting edge version:

$ docker run --publish 8000:8000 rapidpro/rapidpro:master

To run a specific version:

$ docker run --publish 8000:8000 rapidpro/rapidpro:v2.0.478

Environment variables



REDIS_URL Required

DJANGO_DEBUG Defaults to off, set to on to enable DEBUG

MANAGEPY_COLLECTSTATIC Set to on to run the collectstatic management command when the container starts up.

MANAGEPY_COMPRESS Set to on to run the compress management command when the container starts up.

MANAGEPY_INIT_DB Set to on to initialize the postgresql database.

MANAGEPY_MIGRATE Set to on to run the migrate management command when the container starts up.

BROKER_URL Defaults to REDIS_URL if not set.


CACHE_URL Defaults to REDIS_URL if not set.

DOMAIN_NAME Defaults to rapidpro.ngrok.io

TEMBA_HOST Defaults to DOMAIN_NAME if not set.

ALLOWED_HOSTS Defaults to DOMAIN_NAME if not set, split on ;.


AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME If set RapidPro will use S3 for static file storage. If not it will default to using whitenoise.

AWS_BUCKET_DOMAIN The domain to use for serving statics from, defaults to AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME + '.s3.amazonaws.com'

CDN_DOMAIN_NAME Defaults to ''


RAPIDPRO_VERSION This is a build argument, use it to build a specific version of RapidPro. docker build rapidpro/rapidpro --build-arg RAPIDPRO_VERSION=X.Y.Z. This environment variable is available at run time but is only used for namespacing the django compressor manifest.

UWSGI_WSGI_FILE Defaults to temba/wsgi.py

UWSGI_MASTER Defaults to 1

UWSGI_WORKERS Defaults to 8

UWSGI_HARAKIRI Defaults to 20

MAGE_AUTH_TOKEN The Auth token for Mage

MAGE_API_URL The URL for Mage, defaults to http://localhost:8026/api/v1

SEND_MESSAGES Set to on to enable, defaults to off

SEND_WEBHOOKS Set to on to enable, defaults to off

SEND_EMAILS Set to on to enable, defaults to off

SEND_AIRTIME Set to on to enable, defaults to off

SEND_CALLS Set to on to enable, defaults to off

IP_ADDRESSES Comma separate list of IP addresses to white list for 3rd party channel integrations

EMAIL_HOST Defaults to smtp.gmail.com

EMAIL_PORT DEfaults to 25

EMAIL_HOST_USER Defaults to server@temba.io

DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL Defaults to server@temba.io

EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD Defaults to mypassword

EMAIL_USE_TLS Set to off to disable, defaults to on


CLEAR_COMPRESSOR_CACHE Sometimes after a redeploy the compressor cache needs to be cleared to make sure the static assets are rebuilt. Not set by default, set to on if you want to clear the cache every redeploy.

OSM_RELATION_IDS The list of OSM Relation IDs that need to be downloaded for this deploy. Use spaces to separate the values.

MANAGE_IMPORT_GEOJSON Whether or not to import OSM GeoJSON boundary files. Not set by default, set to on to activate. Requires the OSM_RELATION_IDS environment variable to be set.

BRANDING_SLUG The URL slug of the brand, defaults to rapidpro.

BRANDING_NAME The name of the brand, defaults to RapidPro.

BRANDING_ORG The organisation of the brand, defaults to RapidPro.

BRANDING_COLORS The color scheme of the brand. Semi-colon separated CSS rules. Defaults to primary=#0c6596.

BRANDING_EMAIL Defaults to join@rapidpro.io.

BRANDING_SUPPORT_EMAIL Defaults to join@rapidpro.io.

BRANDING_LINK The URL for the brand, defaults to https://app.rapidpro.io.

BRANDING_API_LINK The API URL for the brand, defaults to https://api.rapidpro.io.

BRANDING_DOCS_LINK The docs URL for the brand, defaults to http://docs.rapidpro.io.

BRANDING_FAVICO The Favico for the brand, defaults to brands/rapidpro/rapidpro.ico.

BRANDING_SPLASH The splash image for the brand, defaults to /brands/rapidpro/splash.jpg.

BRANDING_LOGO The logo for the brand, defaults to /brands/rapidpro/logo.png.

BRANDING_ALLOW_SIGNUPS Boolean for whether or not to allow signups, defaults to True.

RAVEN_DSN The DSN for Sentry

EXTRA_INSTALLED_APPS Any extra apps to be appended to INSTALLED_APPS.

ROOT_URLCONF The urlconf to use, defaults to temba.urls.

IS_PROD If you want channel or trigger activation / deactivation callbacks handled set this to on.