rapidsai / gha-tools

User tools for RAPIDS GitHub Actions
Apache License 2.0
0 stars 16 forks source link


User tools for RAPIDS GitHub Actions workflows.

Install gha-tools

This tools repo can be installed from GitHub directly with git clone or wget commands. Examples:

- name: Download gha-tools with git clone
  run: |
    git clone https://github.com/rapidsai/gha-tools.git -b main /tmp/gha-tools
    echo "/tmp/gha-tools/tools" >> "${GITHUB_PATH}"

- name: Download gha-tools release tarball with wget
  run: |
    wget https://github.com/rapidsai/gha-tools/releases/latest/download/tools.tar.gz -O - | tar -xz -C /usr/local/bin

Environment variables and variable naming conventions

In gha-tools we introduced some variable naming conventions:

List of variables that have had a RAPIDS_* prefix added, which should be reflected by consumers switching from gpuci-tools to gha-tools:

In GitHub Actions, the default secret GITHUB_TOKEN can be used by setting:


gpuci deprecation

This repo replaces rapidsai/gpuci-tools. All scripts called gpuci_*, configured with GPUCI_* env vars, are now called rapids-* with the equivalent RAPIDS_* env vars

The gpuci_* tools in this project are wrappers around the new tools for backwards compatibility:

  1. They print a deprecation warning to use the rapids-* equivalents
  2. They re-export GPUCI_* env vars to the new RAPIDS_* equivalents

S3 tools for downloads.rapids.ai

Some enhancements have been made to the S3 tools for interacting with downloads.rapids.ai:

Testing Scripts Locally

See CONTRIBUTING.md for instructions on how to test these scripts locally.