rapyuta-robotics / turtlebot3-UE

Apache License 2.0
39 stars 15 forks source link

Turtlebot UE

UE Project which includes examples to use rclUE.



Setup and run

  1. Download UE5.1 for Linux by following Unreal Engine for Linux
  2. Clone this repo : git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:rapyuta-robotics/turtlebot3-UE.git
  3. Retrieve the large files : git-lfs pull && git submodule foreach git-lfs pull
  4. Build and run
    cd turtlebot3-UE
    export UE5_DIR=<path to UE5>
    make turtlebot3Editor
    ./run_editor.sh <false or true to use dds server or not> $(pwd) <ue_exe>

    * Since the prooject is set to use ROS2 with Discovery Server to communicate with ROS2 Node in UE, you needs to execute source turtlebot3_UE/fastdds_setup.sh. You can run without server by ./run_editor.sh false

Install pre-commit

Please install pre-commit before commiting your changes. Follow this instruction https://pre-commit.com/

then run


this will setup pre-commit to all submodules as well.

Turtlebot3 navigation


  1. Install ROS2 foxy
    • you can use ROS2 humble as well by checkout Plugins/rclUE to UE5_devel_humble branch.
  2. Install Nav2


  1. Play turtlebot3-UE
  2. cd turtlebot3-UE && source fastdds_setup.sh #if you use ROS2 Discovery Server. You don't need this if you start editor with ./run_editor false.
  3. ros2 launch nav2_bringup tb3_simulation_launch.py use_simulator:=False map:=<path to turtlebot3-UE>/Content/Turtlebot3_benchmark.yaml


!NOTE: The test script is setup to run with fastdds, which requires UE to start before ROS is enabled, thus /opt/ros/<ros_distro>/setup.bash, which is already run in the script, needs to be not added to ~/.bashrc

./ExternalTest/run_local_sim_tb3_tests.sh <ue_exe> <ue_map> <tb3_model> <tb3_name> <tb3_init_pos> <tb3_init_rot>
